Posted 12/22/2010 by David in Skating With The Stars
by David McAlpine
Last night on Skating With the Stars, it was the live season (and, quite possibly, series) finale. It was the somewhat-sort-of-seasoned soap star Rebecca Budig versus underdog and overall rebel Bethenny Frankel in a battle for the golden skates trophy and a last-minute effort for judges' votes.
But, before we could get to the finalists, there was a recap of the whole season (which, according to Tanith, was full of "edge of your seat drama"--not exactly the way I would describe it) and
Posted 12/14/2010 by David in Skating With The Stars
by David McAlpine
Last night on Skating With the Stars, the technical merits were amped up to include stunts and throws as the competition continues on. It's down to four contestants: Jonny, Bethenny, Brandon and Rebecca. Who will be next to leave the ice?
Before the performances could begin, we cut to some filler: the pros doing a Christmas-themed number to "Santa Baby." Then, Tanith Belbin dramatically described the required elements this week: stunts.
The celebrities and their partners had to do two of the three elements
Posted 12/07/2010 by David in Skating With The Stars
by David McAlpine
Last night on Skating With the Stars, it was a sign of how out of their element they might be, as injures were all over the place. Keanna skated out without Brandon and you could see that Brooke, Jonny's partner, had a bandaged hand.
However, just like Dancing With the Stars, the show must go on, and go on it did. This week, the teams had to put a jump into their routine where both their feet leave the ice and they land on only
Posted 11/23/2010 by David in Skating With The Stars
by David McAlpine
Tonight is the night some of us (mostly just me and a select few people that I've talked to, but I know once Dancing With the Stars is over, you'll all change your tune) have been waiting for--the premiere of ABC's new reality series Skating With the Stars. It's cold, there's snow on the ground, so why wouldn't you want to watch Dancing With the Stars on ice? That's right, there's no reason.
The pros come out first and show us why this show is