Posted 09/11/2015 by Jessica in Teen Mom 2
By Jessica Blackwell
Things went from bad to worse on last night episode of Teen Mom 2. For once, the only one who didn't have a serious issue was Chelsea. Her only struggle was whether or not to let Aubrey call Cole Daddy.
Jenelle and Barbara went to mediation to try and work things out as a last ditch effort and of course it went poorly. They couldn't agree on anything, and it ended up in another round of "I should have him, he's my son" (never mind that she's unfit) and "we can't
Posted 08/21/2015 by Jessica in Teen Mom 2
By Jessica Blackwell
Last night's episode of Teen Mom 2 was SUPER intense! I was left feeling bad for most of them by the time the hour was up.
First off, Nathan and Jenelle got in another fight, but this time, the neighbors called the cops on him. Things turned ugly when Nathan told Jenelle he was talking to another woman. He then declared that they were over and demanded that she return his engagement ring. Of course she refused, and according to her, things got physical. Nate swears that he didn't do anything
Posted 08/01/2015 by Jessica in Teen Mom 2
By Jessica Blackwell
On last night's episode of Teen Mom 2, the drama reached a boiling point for all of the moms.
Tensions were still running high in the home of Javi and Kail, who wanted to make their marriage work but weren't quite sure how to. Javi told her that he couldn't imagine not waking up to her and their children, but Kail feels like nothing is being resolved in counseling because they don't use the tools the therapist is showing them. She feels like they're headed towards divorce, even going so far
Posted 07/17/2015 by Jessica in Teen Mom 2
By Jessica Blackwell
Jennie is engaged - for the second or third time! Yay! On this episode of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle and Nathan both appeared to be a normal young couple. You would never guess they were both crazier than a bag of cats. I will say that for possibly the first time ever, Jenelle was the happy mom in the episode.
Nathan and Jenelle headed to St. Martin with some of their friends. Nathan told Jenelle he just wanted to get away with out the kids for some R&R, but it