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Reality Wanted Exclusive: Big Brother Eviction Interview with Johnny Mac

Posted on 09/17/2015 by Elizabeth in Big Brother and Cast InterviewsGeneral News

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By Andy Sloan


With two eliminations this week, Johnny Mac, was the second houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house. Reality Wanted has an exclusive interview with Johnny Mac to hear all about the eviction and who he thinks will be final houseguests.


Reality Wanted: What was the mindset behind throwing so many competitions and do you regret doing so?

When you're in there and you're not HOH, you have to be OK with things or you become a target. With the first BOB, since I knew I wasn't the target, I did it because it would hopefully build trust with some people. I don't feel like you should win HOH unless you feel like you have a target. A lot of people in there won HOH because they were paranoid, then had to put up two people for eviction making more enemies. Unless you have someone you want to take out of the game, you should not try and win HOH. I also felt like you shouldn't try to win VETO if you didn't need it and would be safe anyway. There was no competition that I threw that I was upset about afterwards. The ones I were upset about was when I lost and I tried winning it.

Reality Wanted: Why play a submissive Loki game at the beginning of the season? Do you think it ultimately help or hurt your game long term?

I think playing a low key game at the beginning helped it long term. If you come charging out of the gates, people don't like that. You don't make it far unless you let other people take each other out. The only person that's still there that played an aggressive game in the beginning is Vanessa. So, I feel that if only 1 out of the final 4 played an aggressive game in the beginning, that goes to show that playing it so hard right out of the gates, doesn't really work. And, out of that initial eight alliance, none of them made it to final 5 which is pretty funny.

Reality Wanted: What was your thought process in teaming up with Vanessa and voting out Meg over Julia?

If you go after Julia that week, you take out the least capable person and least strategic player and give Austin and Liz a good reason to link up with James and Meg. James is more capable than Julia and Meg would have been another number. It's not good to take a 3 person alliance and turn it into a better 4 person alliance going into the next HOH comp.

Reality Wanted: Why did Vanessa choose to evict you over Liz and was this a smart move on her behalf?

Vanessa was always paranoid about Steve and me having a final 2 and there was no way she would let a final 2 go with her to the final 3. Plus, I feel like she was more threatened by me in physical and mental competitions and she even said if I made it to the end, I would probably have some weird speech to give to the jury and I would win. And she probably already figured out I would have had the first five jury votes and would win.

Reality Wanted: There was a little bit of flirting going on with you and Becky. What are your thoughts on her as you head?

Becky is hilarious, has dumb humor and is attractive. She's fun to be around, easy to talk to, doesn't care what people think about her, speaks what's on her mind and was one of my favorite people to be around in the house.

Reality Wanted: You've been in the big brother house for a crazy 91 days. What was the best moment of the show for you?

My favorite moment was the on the edge competition. I saw a similar one in season 14 and I knew it looked epic on TV. It was just awesome to be in that moment. I like running tough mudders and stuff like that so getting a chance to be in this competition was fantastic.

Reality Wanted: Who do you want to see in final two?
Steve and Vanessa.


Photo credit: CBS


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