Posted on 08/18/2015 by Elizabeth in So You Think You Can Dance and General News
By Ashley Thompson
It's the top ten and things are getting interesting. An opening number by Sonya Tayeh with lots of lifts and tosses. Although there's only a count of 9 at the beginning until Cat announces that JJ has damaged her ribs and cannot perform. If she survives this week she'll automatically be in danger next week. Last week Team Street won the night with 51% of the vote.
Tonight the dancers perform with the all-stars and we get to see solos again! Also, JLo has announced that she taking America's Favorite Dancer to her Vegas show at Planet Hollywood!
Did you know that Virgil has danced on broadway? Neptune went from the Bay Area to Arkansas, back to the Bay then to Dallas & is dancing to be closer to his daughter. Gaby was friends with las season's contestants and they encouraged her to audition this year. JJ is from Japan and wanted to stand out so she went to LA. JaJa is from the Czech Republic and moved to LA to join Phillip's crew. Jim was born in South Korea and adopted by an American family and due to his birth defect the process was difficult; he danced for the Houston Ballet. Hailee's parents have been to every competition and audition but when they announced they were divorcing she turned to dance. Derek starting dancing because of So You Think You Can Dance and moved away at 16b to pursue dance in Miami. Megz' parents were professional ballroom dancers but it wasn't for her... so that's wher her technique comes from! Edson started cheerleading at the age of 10 and was relentlessly bullied so he quit... in high school he realized he had a love for dance.
In danger: Derek, JJ, Megz, Edson
Haylee (Stage) and Brandon (all-star) - Warren Carlyle - Broadway - "It's like a tap routine without tap shoes." Yes, Warren, exactly. But it seems the all-star out shone this years' dancer. The judges think she's amazing even nicknaming her "Liza Gaga".
Derek (Stage) and Kayla (all-star) - RJ Durell/Nick Florez - Jazz - I couldn't keep my eyes off of the all-star! Derek held his own and was totally in sync with his partner.
Virgil (Street) and Comfort (all-star) - Christopher Scott - Hip Hop - A pair meant to dance together. Such a cute routine involving them as a couple and it is so convincing.
Megz (Street) and Marco (all-star) - Ray Leeper - Jazz - It was good, not great. It felt like she was out of her comfort zone but those pirouettes were awesome, Megz!
Edson (Stage) and Jamie (all-star) - Travis Wall - Contemporary - Travis' goal was to get Edson to grow and be the best partner. Job well done. When he stopped her movements she was perfectly still. So very strong and a very powerful performance.
Neptune (Street) and Jasmine (all-star) - Phoenix and Pharside - Hip Hop - Anything is good with Jasmine in it. Hot Damn! A victorian couple fighting over the dinner table and occasionally crumping. Nice.
Jim (Stage) and Jessica (all-star) - Dee Caspary - Contemporary - You would think that contemporary would be a no brainer for a ballet dancer, but I bet jim is difficult to hold back in flexibility and height.
JaJa (Street) and Alex (all-star) - Nakul Dev Mahajan - Bollywood - JaJa is so stinking cute! She bubbled her way through this routine and hit all the quick movements with ease.
Gaby (Stage) and Joshua (all-star) - Pharside and Phoenix - Hip Hop - Geisha Gaby means business. This girl can really do it all but does her makeup have to look so mean?? Ha!
Edson and JJ had the lowest number of votes so they are headed home. At least Edson left on a very strong note. Poor JJ didn't get to do a goodbye routine.
Photo credit: FOX
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