Posted on 08/27/2007 by RealityWanted in On The Lot and Cast Interviews
The final cut was handed in last week as America's votes made aspiring director Will Bigham the winner of FOX's summer filmmaking competition series ON THE LOT. Bigham, 31, a film editor born and raised in Canyon, TX, and currently living in Glendale, CA, with his wife and two daughters, received the most votes on the "film premiere" show. On last weeks season finale, he was awarded a $1-million DreamWorks studio development deal and handed the keys to his new office on the DreamWorks lot by the series' executive producer, Steven Spielberg.
Mark: Will, it's great to talk with you again. How cool, you won the grand prize and will now work with Steven Spielberg and DreamWorks, Congratulation!. Refresh my memory are you from Los Angeles and do you live there now?
A. Will Bigham � On The Lot: I do live in California now, but I am originally from Texas. Right after I graduated from college I went to VA and worked as a stage actor for 5 years. Afterwards I moved to Florida and attended Florida State film school.
Q. Mark: So what was it like when you found out you won? Talk to me about what is was like to be on the stage with Jason Epperson waiting for the winner to be announced?
A. Will Bigham � On The Lot: As you know it filmed a few days prior to the actual television air date. So I found out I had won prior to the Tuesday night finale, it was hard to keep the secret. As far as winning and being on stage waiting for the winner to be announced,it was incredible. I seriously thought Jason was going to win. I was just thinking in my head "Jason Epperson", "Jason Epperson", "Jason Epperson".. When they said my name I was very surprised. It made all the hard work pay off.
Q. Mark � During Tuesday night's finale after you were announced the winner, you were put in a car and shuttled off to the Dreamworks lot to meet Steven Spielberg, what was that like?
A. Will Bigham � On The Lot: All along I told myself I would not be nervous meeting Mr. Spielberg. I told myself. he is a normal guy like anyone else, but during drive I was so nervous. This man directed many of my favorite films including ET and Jaws.
Q. Mark � Your wife, friends and family must have been very excited for you when you won, what did you guys do after the show finale?
A. Will Bigham � On The Lot: Right after I met with Mr. Spielberg, my friends and family went out to celebrate. Since the finale had not aired yet we pretended like it was my birthday since we could not tell anyone I had won. On Tuesday night my hometown in Canyon, Texas watched the show and celebrated in a high school auditorium. I wish I could have been there, it was very exciting.
Q. Mark � Walk me though your grand prize for winning "On The Lot", what's next?
A. Will Bigham � On The Lot: The prize was a one million dollar development deal with DreamWorks. For the next two years I have a paid job with DreamWorks and � the prize is a development fund. I can hire screen writers and find a new project for the studio and I to work on. The goal is to direct a film with DreamWorks over the next two years.
Q. Mark � You made a lot of great friends on the show; will you stay in touch with everyone?
A. Will Bigham � The great thing about being stuck in a situation with a bunch of guys is that you become such good friends. We will follow one another's careers and look to work together again. Jason and Andrew and I got to be great friends.
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