Posted on 08/09/2007 by RealityWanted in On The Lot and Cast Interviews
I had another opportunity to chat with On The Lot contestants Sam Friedlander and Jason Epperson a few days after Jason's short "The Move" and Sam's short "Backseat Driving Test" aired. Sam and Jason are both very excited to be part of the Top 5 and regardless of the final outcome, both are going to continue their film making careers in LA. Jason's wife is in the process of looking for their new home in Loa Angeles.
Q. Mark ( So we really down to the top 5 now, this must be a great feeling, but challenging at the same time?
A. Sam Friedlander (On The Lot): It's great to be here in the top 5. The biggest challenge for me has been being isolated from everyone.
Q. Mark ( How long have you been out "On The Lot"?
A. Sam Friedlander (On The Lot): We have been here since May 21st. We first got our assignment in late February, which was part of the application process. We also got also got placed on lock down in April for two weeks, but it all really started on May 21st.
Q. Mark ( I have a good friend who will hear any day now if he will be a contestant on a new reality show, his emotions are mixed with excitement and fear, how did you feel once you found out you had made.?
A. Sam Friedlander (On The Lot): It was exactly that, a mixture of excitement and nervousness. We found out about a month before we were going to leave but could not let anyone we knew know. It's a weird mixture of excitement and apprehension.
Q. Mark ( I know this might be hard to pinpoint but what was the most difficult part of putting together last week's short "Backseat Driving Test"?
A. Sam Friedlander (On The Lot): The hardest thing is not getting the chance to step away from my work. During the creative process it's nice to get the chance to step away from the work and reflect on it, think of it in another perspective, but we don't get that chance.
Q. Mark ( What would you say are some of the most important things you have learned while being part of "On The Lot"
A. Sam Friedlander (On The Lot): Learning that there are so many moving parts in making a film, since I am used to things on such a smaller scale. On The Lot we have a large crew but limited time, you have to communicate quickly and trust those you put in charge of things. Since we are on such a time crunch we don't get the chance to do what we might normally do such as review and approve props, etc..
If you are not the winner do you have any idea as to who might be?
Q. Mark ( What are your plans once you leave the lot, I know they may differ if you are the winner.
A. Sam Friedlander (On The Lot): I have lived in LA for a while now. I would stay in LA and keep directing.
Q. Mark ( Before we go what was your favorite short film last week besides you own?
A. Sam Friedlander (On The Lot): I think I liked Will's short the best.
Interview With Jason Epperson :
Q. Mark ( Jason, what's up buddy, great to talk with you again. Are you guys busy today or what are you up to?
A. Jason Epperson (On The Lot): What's up Mark, we're all just chilling today and relaxing since we didn't get much sleep Saturday and Sunday. Monday is our only day off.
Q. Mark ( So you have set days to film each week?
A. Jason Epperson (On The Lot): Our show is on Tuesday nights and we come back on Wednesday night to see who is going home. As soon as the eliminations are over we get back to work meeting with our associate director and director of photography to go over story boards, shot lists, etc. On Thursdays we scout out our locations.
Q. Mark ( What's the most difficult part of the film making process for you "On The Lot"
A. Jason Epperson (On The Lot): The hardest thing for me is handing over the editing portion of my film to someone else. Editing is one of the hardest things to do but it is the most enjoyable part of the process for me. I enjoy it and it pumps me up. We go from shooting all day Sat to editing without a break, We have to have the entire film edited by 4am Sunday. Back home I can spend days or weeks editing a film
Basically you're handing your baby over to someone else, It drives me nuts watching someone else edit my footage. Back home I shoot, direct, edit, and design sets on my own. It is nice to have a professional editing crew handle editing so I can focus on directing, but it's still hard to let it go.
Q. Mark ( Sounds like a heavy workload and lots of stress, how do you blow off steam?
A. Jason Epperson (On The Lot): Its funny you should ask, I have been jogging and running since I have been here and I lost 16 pounds.
Q. Mark ( Sounds like you could be doing a weight loss reality show at the same time.
A. Jason Epperson (On The Lot): Some of the crew have said the same thing.
Q. Mark ( I asked Sam the same question. I have an idea what you will be doing if you are the winner but what are your plans should you win/not win?
A. Jason Epperson (On The Lot): Mark, no matter what I am moving out to LA. It's at that point, we have all proven ourselves and we will all get work after the show. No matter what, I will move. My wife is looking for places out here right now. I learned to like Sushi and learned to love LA. I have never lived this far away from home. I am just a good ol country boy who fell into the video industry. I have new found confidence and proven something to myself. My future feels very bright.
Mark ( Thanks again for your time Jason, I look forward to Tuesday night's show and speaking with you next week.
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