Posted on 12/12/2010 by in Bama Belles
by Danae Young
This week on Bama Belles, Dakota and Val have several disagreements and do not seem to be getting along at all.
Dakota is back in town living in Amie’s guesthouse.
There was a rumor Dakota cheated on her ex-husband and that is why she left town so quick, however nothing has been confirmed.
City-girl Val is having some difficulty adjusting to the South.
Melissa and her husband Frankie went on a date while Jana watched their son.
Frankie brought up the fact that she didn’t get the job she wanted. They are really struggling during this tough economic time.
Jana and her husband Grant are still having a lot of trouble making a baby, so they are thinking about switching doctors.
Val went with Amie to meet Josh and watch him break a horse. The horse went buck wild, but eventually it worked and he did it!
Josh and Val really seemed to hit it off until the next night when everyone went to the local country bar Cowboys.
Amie told Dakota that she set Josh and Val up and Dakota chose to steal him away from her.
The moment Dakota met Josh she was pretty aggressive. There was definitely a lot of tension in the room after that.
Val took Amie outside to tell her Josh hadn’t talked to her at all. I smell jealousy!
Dakota got pretty crazy at the bar and took a lot of shots that night to say the least.
Amie tried to convince Dakota to get along with Val, but at the lawn-mower race Dakota made it clear she was not going to get along with Val one bit.
Val started making fun of people in the South without any teeth, which really made Dakota mad. Then Val chose not to participate in the lawn-mower race and Dakota made fun of her for that.
Melissa, Amie, Jana and Dakota raced against each other.
Melissa and Jana didn’t get to finish the race due to lawn-mower complications, so it was down to Amie and Dakota. Of course competitive Dakota won.
Amie had everyone over that night for a barbeque.
The girls were looking at older pictures of Amie and Val made a rude comment that Amie used to be thin. That definitely made Amie upset, and with good reason.
Catch an all new Bama Belles every Sunday at 10/9c on TLC.
(Image courtesy of TLC)
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