Posted on 05/05/2009 by Jackie in I Love Money
By Jackie Helm
It’s the finale baby! Craig told the final five house guests to wear sneakers for the first challenge “Excess Baggage”. This game was created in reference to previous reality TV contestants having drama in their life - which essentially caused elimination!
The players had to make their way across a 40ft plank that hovered 300+ feet over the Pacific. Along the way, they had to release all of the luggage bags hanging beneath the plank and make it back to the starting point. The player with the fastest time at 43 seconds was Myammee and she became Paymaster. Prancer came in right behind her at 46 seconds. Tailor Made and his booty scoot across the plank cost him time. TM finished in 2:02. As expected It’ failed to rise to the occasion and took 2 minutes and 32 seconds to finish. But his time even beat out Saaphyri. She sadly finished at 2 minutes and 43 seconds making her the dead last loser and her check was voided on the spot. However, she asked Craig if she could void her own check…!!!??? He agreed and she slammed the void stamp on top of her $250,000 check. Saaphyri let It’ get one last touchy feely hug and then she bounced.
Paymaster Myammee grilled her fellow competitors at the Power Outing. Tailor Made’s claims were that he saved Myammee twice and even convinced It’ to save her as well. He suggested sending Prancer home for being a strong player. It’ mumbled, agreed that Prancer should go home for the same reasons and then mumbled some more.
Prancer broke out in tears. She said that despite the fact that she is the stronger player, It’ didn’t deserve to still be in the game. She brought light to the fact that he doesn’t really try and just slides through the cracks. Myammee agreed and questioned It’ in regards to Prancer's claims. He only mumbled more and wouldn’t admit that he had piggybacked his way to the end.
Now THIS elimination round was a seat clincher. Myammee donned her hot lingerie with Craig and his void stamp on her side. She became all choked up as she stated that Tailor Made had been down with her from the get-go till’ the end. She handed TM the first check.
Myammee told It’ that he hasn’t worked hard and doesn’t deserve the money. She said that he can’t see, jump, run and that is why she was keeping him in the game! Prancer cried a river as Myammee tried to apologize telling her that she was too strong of a player to keep around. After Prancer’s dismissal, Craig told the final three players Myammee, Tailor Made and It’ to sleep well and be ready for the final challenge the next day!
The next morning, birds chirped and coffee brewed as the crew prepared for their final challenge. Tailor Made and Myammee were shown stretching their limbs. However It’ was practicing to swim…in his bed. He was literally lying across the bed, kicking his legs and stroking his arms as though he were swimming.
The three rode a bus to the challenge site. As they chatted Tailor Made told It’ that the only time he saw emotion from him was during elimination when he claimed that his grandpa had only 6 months.
It’ laughed and admitted the grandpa story was a lie. Tailor Made was perturbed and asked It’ if he had lied about anything else. He asked It’ if he was had only been playing dumb and was going to turn into superman and win the game. It’ began laughing hysterically which left Myammee and Tailor Made a little nervous.
Craig introduced the final challenge as a physical and mental feat. The obstacle course began with a coconut toss similar to the one that took place at the beginning of the show. The players had to toss coconuts into a net so that it would weigh down to the ground. Once it did, they had to retrieve an air pump out of the net and run to the next task. It’ completed the task first and ran off with the air pump. He IS superman after all!! Umm, no. It’ immediately got lost in the woods along the way.
Tailor Made retrieved his air pump next and made it to the next obstacle before Myammee. Using the air pump, he inflated an inner tube until a band around the tube broke apart. TM accomplished this with Myammee on his tail. He then took the inner tube and paddled across the water to the other side. Myammee was slow on the air pump but finally completed the task and started her journey across the water as well. During her trek, she thought something in the water bit her. Myammee began screaming for help and for the production crew to come get her. Apparently she figured out that it was just rocks that she had felt and she continued across the water to dry land.
By this time Tailor Made was at the next challenge. A key had to be uncovered from a block of ice while only using their body to melt it. This challenge HAS to be the most entertaining. Tailor Made truly had the look of a man fighting for money as he tried everything in his power to melt that ice. He even used his tongue as well as attempted to karate chop the ice. The goofball wound up with blood spilling from one of his fingers. Soon, Myammee had caught up and was fighting to melt her block of ice as well. She used ALL of her special assets and this hot action allowed her to get her key out first! Myammee took off to a cab waiting nearby! Meanwhile, It’ finally caught up and approached his block of ice without a care in the world.
The cab took Myammee to another body of water where she had to save a dummy! No, not It’. Dummies were floating in the water and she had to swim with a life preserver, unhook a dummy and return it to shore. She finished this one quickly and hopped on boat that took her back to the beach below the I Love Money 2 Mansion. Myammee sprinted up the long set of stairs and met Craig in the yard. I thought she had won, but she had one more task to complete!
Two boards held 6 questions about the events that had taken place among ALL the cast members. She had to determine which house guest was the answer and place their head next to the questions. Myammee chose the board that donned Becky Buckwild’s head. I could feel her anxiety through the TV set! She finished all 6, but had 2 wrong. She changed 1 and still had 1 wrong. She---and even I was freaking out! JUST as Myammee figured out the right answer, Tailor Made arrived to the yard. Too late Tailor Made. Craig announced, Myammee, I’m sorry you got your hair wet but it doesn’t matter, you just won $250,000!!
As Myammee fell out in tears, Craig apologized to Tailor Made as he voided his and Its’ check. Where was It’? It’ gave up and ordered a plate of food and a beer back at the Block of Ice competition. He had the waitress set it on the ice, which immediately fell off and sent his food flying all over the ground. It’ confirmed he IS just that stupid and no where close to Superman. Congratulations Myammee! Check back next week for the Reunion Show! Of course we saw a clip of Buddha threatening violence!
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Photos courtesy of Vh1
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