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Interview with Kynt and Vxysin of CBSs The Amazing Race 12.

Posted on 01/07/2008 by RealityWanted in The Amazing Race and Cast Interviews

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On last weeks episode of The Amazing Race Goth couple Kynt and Vxysin were eliminated. I had the opportunity to sit down with them and chat about their experience, their relationship, and what lead to the decision to U-Turn Donald and Nicolas. I also found that Vxysin and I share the same love for Pomeranians (see pic below)

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Hey guys, thanks for taking the time with speak with us this morning. How has your day been so far, lots of interviews?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: We have been very busy for the past few days but we have a lot of energy left.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: So when we spoke prior to the season premier you guys talked about not liking labels on your relationship. Did you like the "dating goths" label that followed your names throughout each episode?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: It was fine, when you're making a show like this you don't have time to explain every idiosyncrasy about the people on the show.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: It was sort of funny that it took a major network to say we were dating.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Was that news to you?

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: We're not mushy about feelings and so on, it was just a new label.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: I noticed the two of you seemed to interact easily and really enjoyed yourselves with the locals while other teams may have used the locals as props. It appears this helped you guys out during the race. I remember when you stopped at the festival and some of the teams actually yelled at the locals to hush so they could accurately count the fence posts.

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: This was part of our strategy and also our approach to life in general. It's not a TV show to the people who worked at the airports, people we met in the streets, cab drivers, and the locals. Treating the locals with respect worked for us, we never had a problem getting directions or information. We certainly felt the stress but tried to calm down before we approached anyone.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: The festival you're talking about was in Lithuania. When Kynt and I got to the village it was one our favorite stops and we also arrived ahead of the other teams. Of all things, this was probably one of our least intelligent moments during the race since we got so wrapped up in the local's outfits, the music, and so on. We started playing with the festival characters, started dancing, and lost focus. We felt like we had visited Alice In Wonderland.

Mark, RealityWanted.com: I could see how the two of you could lose focus for a minute while at the festival. It looked like they had some pretty elaborate costumes.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: For once in our lives we were at an event where we were underdressed.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Since we're talking about the festival and fun magical type things, did witchcraft or anything from the supernatural assist you guys during the race? Last week Jen mentioned that you guys must have supernatural powers and/or use witchcraft to help you stay in the lead?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: It was great to learn we have witch powers. Had I known how to use them we would not have been eliminated.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: I can't say we have supernatural powers, not that I know of.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: I guess you would still be on the show if you had some cool powers. What helped the two of you stay so calm and collected with each other while other teams kicked and fought with one another. Since we know it wasn't witchcraft what made your relationship work so well?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: That was a major part of our approach going into The Amazing Race. Win lose or draw we wanted to savor it and enjoy it. Why turn it into a disaster for our relationship. Vyxsin and I share the same outlook on life, the same game strategy, and of course the same make up. Our support for one another really helped us enjoy the experience and enjoy it with one another.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Wait, you did have one on screen blow out when Vxysin was driving and Kynt wanted to jump out of the car?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: It was a very brief moment and you see we didn't dwell on it later or call each other names.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: It was really the only time during the entire race when we fought. It was actually so brief but that clip was shown on all the commercials promoting that episode. Kynt was upset that I had been awake for about 38 hours. I was driving a bit recklessly and he wanted me to pull over. The joke between us is that it took tens of thousands of miles of travel to have a blow out with one another.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: You two did seem to hold it together well. Now let's talk about some of the challenges. For example, talk about the dance challenge you had in Africa. Some of the teams were told their dance lacked creativity, you both danced and one of the judges said it was wonderful. What inspired your dance moves?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: When I saw those sticks they reminded me of the light sabers from Star Wars and I knew I could throw down some Darth Maul moves. Vyxsin and I are the first team in Amazing Race history to use the force in a detour.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: We didn't try to choreograph a big thing. I told Kynt I would try and get the technical part down and he would do some light saber improve.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Ah ha, so Jen was wrong, you guys used the force not witchcraft. I had another question about some of the detour challenges and also your appearance. Kynt, what happened to your makeup and outfit after you did the pole vault challenge and ended up taking a swim in the canal?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: That was a rough one. When I read the detour challenge the clue asked which one of us was a better acrobat. So I looked around and saw flat land and some sheep. I assumed I would be herding sheep but then I saw the irrigation ditch and I knew I was going down. My pretty black and pink outfit was ruined but I had a backup, actually about 12 back up outfits.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Let that be a lesson to any future Goth racers, pack multiple black and pink outfits. The two of you seem to have a ton of online support. From what I read you guys won several online polls such as CBS, Entertainment Weekly, etc... How does that feel?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: You just feel it in your heart, it's so humbling and flattering. It was funny, the other day we were at a local pizza parlor with friends and a 78 yr old lady came up to us and said she proclaimed herself Kynt and Vyxsin's oldest fan. She told us that on episode one she didn't like us but by the 3rd episode she loved us and cheered us on with her grandkids.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: It's been awesome to be cheered on like this. We had many people who had never met Goths then started to like and support us during the race. It has been great to see all the fans share the experience with us. We are very fortunate.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com � If you Google your names there are tons of fan forums, postings, and fan made photos of the two of you. I assume you changed what some people think of the Goth scene. What did you learn about yourself, one another, or other cast members from watching this season?

hpim18541.jpgA. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: I could not believe how stupid I looked at the U-Turn. When I watched myself, I was talking to the TV hoping I would pick the right team.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: It is interesting watching the show. There was so much going with other teams that we didn't see. Overall when it comes to what you see of us it's very accurate. We have admiration for all the teams that have ever participated in The Amazing Race.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com � Well speaking of the U-Turn, I saved the elimination question for last. Kynt, talk with me about why you U turned the wrong team?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: We started our journey in India on a positive note. Vxysin and I found the newspaper clue first and left before all other teams found the clue. As our cab sped away all the teams were still looking for the first clue.

After that we were separated from all the teams since we had to go do the speed bump challenge and none of the other teams had to. When we arrived at the flower detour challenge Jen and Nate were still there working on their flowers. Nate and Jen are typically at the front of the pack so we had no idea if the other teams were ahead or behind us. We then wrapped up the flower challenge, received our next clue, and read about the upcoming U-Turn.

We became worried and assumed we were going to be the team that would get U-Turned. When we got there we were shocked to see that the U-Turn sign was blank. We were shocked and started flipping through all the cards with the other team's faces. We came across Jen and Nate's card but since they left the flower challenge before we did we assumed they had passed the U-Turn and elected not to use it. We knew where Jen and Nate were in the race but no one else.

Nicolas and Donald had a rough start in India so we took a chance and tried to U-Turn them not knowing they had already passed us. Of course we made a serious error. Also when you see Jen and Nate arrive at the U-Turn they were also shocked that we were in front of them. If you don't visually see the other teams you have no idea what order they are in.

A. Vyxsin, The Amazing Race 12: We surely thought a team would have used the U-Turn as a safety precaution.. We were the most logical team to U-Turn so we were so perplexed when we still saw it there unused.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com � Well we enjoyed watching you two on the show and like other fans, we want to know what's next for the both of you?

A. Kynt, The Amazing Race 12: At this point in life 2008 is a bit of a question but we have never had so much excitement for a new year. The Pink and Black attack will never stop racing. Hey DON'T miss the last 3 episodes of the Amazing Race, they are going to be NAIL-BITERS! Every Sunday on CBS, cheer the teams on to victory!!!

> Kynt and Vyxsin LOVE to hear from the Fans via their MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/kyntxox and http://www.myspace.com/vyxsin

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