Posted on 10/15/2007 by RealityWanted in The Pick Up Artist and Cast Interviews
Last week I chatted with Joe Doyle who was a contestant on VH1's "The Pick Up Artist". Joe is 26 years old from Bothell WA. Prior to the show Joe was an EMR data specialist. In a nut shell he took paper medical records and transferred them into online files. Joe moved to Los Angeles in September and is working on his acting career. I ran into Joe a week ago at the FOX REALITY 2007 Reality Awards which airs this Saturday on Fox Reality.
Q. Mark Joe it was great running into you at the party last week. I am glad you have a few minutes to chat today. So what got you interested in applying to be on "The Pick Up Artist?"
A. Joe Doyle The Pick Up Artist: I am a computer junkie and online all the time. I am glued to the computer when I am at home. I have a sister who is a couple of years younger than I am and she emailed me the casting call. The casting call did not talk about Mystery or too many details about the show. The notice said they were looking for likeable guys who may have trouble talking with women. I looked it over and went to the open audition the next day.
Q. Mark: So you went the next day after you read it? Kind of short notice.
A. Joe Doyle � The Pick Up Artist: Yeah, it was, so the crazy thing is after I watched a film called "THE SECRET" I thought about how to change my life and then the next day I was already changing it for the better.
Q. Mark So you said the casting call did not mention Mysery, J Dog, and Matador. What were your initial thoughts of Mystery and the gang?
A. Joe Doyle: Right away they had us go upstairs, but Mystery has his back turned.. The first thing I thought was, "what did I get myself into." The faces were so different. I was very nervous that it would be show that would objectify women and be disrespectful of women. That was not the case at all.
Q. Mark Do you Mystery's background and how he became a pick up artist?
A. Joe Doyle: I know that he lost his virginity around 21 years old. He was la ate bloomer as he said. He originally wanted to be best magician. He is really good at it. By doing magic he started meeting people on the street and started to realize the things he did for magic to open people could be used to meet women and people at clubs. He transferred it to the "cold approach pick up" with women. If he got blown out of a set he would try it again. Through this he developed this kind of 6th sense of how to interact with people in a social setting.
Before our show came out Mystery had a large following in an online community on how to meet and pick up women. He started posting his field reports online and talking about what happened that night at a club. He thought he could teach others so they created a weekend boot camp.
Q. Mark OK, the cast was great. I was let down when Spoon quit but I was also confused when I saw Fred the 40+ year old guy on the show.
A. Joe Doyle: I agree with you. No disrespect to Fred but when I saw him in the van on the way to the mansion, I almost crapped myself and thought what is he doing here?. I thought I was one of older guys on the show till I saw him Fred is a very cool guy.
Q. Mark When we talked at the Fox awards show you said you are a fan of reality shows. So what is it like to be a Reality star yourself and have others recognize you?
A. Joe Doyle: Its very surreal and I know it has not gone to my head yet since I still feel blood rush to my cheeks when I hear people call out and come up to me. I saw someone at DMV today that recognized me, of all places the DMV. Since this show has aired and people recognize me here and there Im no longer do cold approach pick ups. It's all hot approach now.
Q. Mark Tell me what it was like to go out on those missions in the bar and trying to pick up girls who were running? That is hard enough off camera.
A. Joe Doyle: The way I describe it to people is this way. Picture junior high and when you see a hot girl your buddy tells you to go say hi but you say no since you're afraid to get shot down. Now picture doing this in front of millions of people, a group of other guys competing against you, and a 50,000K prize.
Q. Mark Some people have commented that there might have been girls planted in the bars, was this true?
A. Joe Doyle: Not true, these girls had no idea. They did sign a waiver that there would be filming but this happens a lot in LA. That was the extent of it. I kept in contact with a couple of the girls I met and we talked about how they saw themselves on TV and couldn't believe it. The girls didn't know they were on this show until they saw it on TV They did not have any idea what the show was called or anything that was going to happen..
Q. Mark What was the best part about taking part in VH1's The Pick Up Artist?
A. Joe Doyle: There are so many things I could say. I could say it's cool to have that little bit of fame. Best thing I think I will take away from this is to look back and see how I used to interact with people back then and how I interact with them now. I feel confident to go into any club/bar and I will have people and friends to hang with. I no have and inhibitions. I also made some great friends. I talk with Kosmo and Brady almost everyday. I also talk with Spoon and Pradeep a lot.
Q. Mark Have you tried to help anyone with your new skills?
A. Joe Doyle: Definitely, my myspace has gone insane since the show. I had one email on myspace that almost took me to tears. I sent this guy a couple of pointers which he said helped him out a lot. I also met a guy in a bar one night who saw me on the show, after watching it he decided to head out to the bars. We opened some sets together and at the end of the night he had a phone number. He had a great time and it helped him come out of his shell and meet people.
Q. Mark What other reality shows do you watch?
A. Joe Doyle: Hells Kitchen, Top Chef, Rock of Love, Hogan knows Best, and Survivor. I stopped watching The Real World when they went away from trying to teach viewers life lessons and decided to throw a bunch of pretty drunk people into a house.
Q. Mark So what about ladies in your life?
A. Joe Doyle: I am meeting a lot of girls right now but I'm not exclusive as in boyfriend girlfriend. I was told by a guy I know that before you can be in a committed relationship you need to know the person 3 -4 months. I date a lot of girls but let them know I am not ready to be in a committed relationship.
Q. Mark want to share your myspace with fans?
A. Joe Doyle: My myspace page is
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