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The Voice Season 7: Top 12 Revealed!

Posted on 11/13/2014 by Jessica in The Voice

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by Jessica Blackwell


It's the first round of eliminations from the live shows, meaning that the majority of the decisions were out of the coach's hands for the first time this season. Two of their remaining five artists received a "save" from America by getting the most amount of votes and then each coach got to save one of the remaining three, a tough choice in most cases. The eliminations were done by Team: 


Raegan and Craig received the highest amount of votes on Blake's team, leaving him to choose between Jesse Pitts, Taylor Brashears, and James David Carter. He chose to save Jesse, sending the remaining three home. 


Luke and Danica received the most amount of votes, leaving Pharrell to decide the fate of Elyjah, Sugar, and Jean. To my surprise, he chose Sugar. I'm really confused as to how Elyjah ended up in the bottom of his team, when Carson gave a preview at the end of the show yesterday, Elyjah was number two on his team! And then Pharrell chose Sugar or over? Something smells fishy. His performance was amazing. 


On Team Gwen, the first person to be saved by America was Taylor John Williams. His grandmother, who was in the audience was very excited. Next came Anita Antoinette, no surprise there. This left Ricky Manning, Bryana Salaz, and Ryan Sill depending on Gwen's decision. She chose Ryan to move onto the Top 12. 


First to be saved on Team Adam was Damien. Not a surprise after his soul bearing performance. THen came Matt McAndrew, leaving Adam to choose between Chris Jamison, Mia Pfirman, and Taylor Phelan. For me, it was a no brainer. Choose Taylor! But Adam chose Chris. Ridiculous! 

Top 12 Lineup

Team Blake 

Raegan James 

Craig Wayne Boyd

Jesse Pitts 


Team Pharrell

Luke Wade

Danica Shirey

Sugar Jones 

Team Gwen

Taylor John Williams

Anite Antoinette

Ryan Sill 


Team Adam


Matt McAndrew

Chris  Jamison


I can't believe that Elyjah and Taylor were eliminated, I guess I should have known this season would have been shocking when Maiya Sykes was eliminated very early. Next week the Top 12 perform - stay tuned! 


The Voice airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 8pm EST on NBC. 


(Image Courtesy of NBC) 



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