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Big Brother 14: Week 3 Eviction Recap

Posted on 08/03/2012 by Gina in Big Brother

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Big Brother 14


by Gina Scarpa


It's down to Frank and Joe for eviction this week on Big Brother but more important, we get to find out if America voted to give the coaches the opportunity to get back into the game. Who are we kidding? Of course, they did! Not only is it boring to watch the coaches sit around and try to give advice to players who don't really want to listen, but these are some of the best people to ever play the game. Notice I said SOME. Of course, I want to see what they're going to do as individual players!


Before we get to America's vote, let's break down the fight that took place between Janelle and Wil, though I'm still not totally sure why it blew up the way it did. Basically, Janelle said that she saved Wil two weeks in a row and that's why he's not been a target to get out of the house yet. Fair statement. Wil takes major offense to it, complaining to Joe that he's sick of her, who runs right back to Janelle and relays everything. The two end up talking it out, completing with some fake tears from Janelle but Wil isn't buying what she's selling. He's a strong player, with a good read on people - he just needs to keep his emotions in check. It's one of Janelle's strongest points as a player.


As the houseguests gather in the living room, Julie Chen drops the bomb that America has voted to let the coaches decide if they want to come back in the game. One at a time, the four coaches head to the diary room and hit a reset button if they want to get in the game as a player. All it takes is one press of the button to reset the game, meaning neither Frank nor Joe will be eliminated, and everyone will immediately compete for HOH. Britney is the first one in and presses her button. Boogie passes (which I'm pretty sure is strategy), and Dan and Janelle each hit the button as well.


It's official! The coaches are back in! Predictions on the first target? Totally Boogie, right?


This HOH competition is an endurance one, where players have to stand on the plank of a ship and be tilted towards a pool of water waiting for them below. As usual with endurance competition, we're going to have to wait to find out the results - unless you subscribe to the live feeds or search for spoilers online!


Find out who becomes the new HOH on Big Brother, Sunday at 8/7c on CBS.


(Image courtesy of CBS)


Follow Gina @ginascarpa


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