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On The Lot Episode Five Recap

Posted on 06/20/2007 by RealityWanted in On The Lot

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By WillosWeb

At the start of tonight's episode we immediately say goodbye to Marty Martin. I believe his confidence last week made him appear bad in the eyes of the viewers. I personally enjoyed his film, feel he's very talented, and I applaud his defense of his vision. I'm sad to see Marty go - I was looking forward to watching him grow within the show.

Wes Craven is our guest judge tonight.

The On The Lot Producers saved the five best Directors for tonight's show .. and I'm not so sure that's a good thing. When you pit the five most talented together in a group - knowing that one of them will be eliminated - you sometimes send the wrong person home. There were less talented Directors in previous weeks who deserve to go home before any of the Directors tonight. Up first tonight ....

Will Bigham - Glass Eye - the story of a man who loses his glass eye, but gains a new perspective on life. Shot in Black & White at first until the man accidentally ejects his eye onto the floor. He discovers that he can now see the world in color - but from only from the glass eye's point of view. The funniest moments occur when his dog finds the eye and takes it on a little adventure - journeying to places mans eye has never gone before!

Carrie Fisher - You make sweet films and I love the feeling that comes through. Next time have a little dialog in the film.

Wes Craven - This was a fun concept and had fun twists. Great thing.

Gary Marshall - You've got a good eye! The lead character shouldn't be in a wife beater shirt - next time be careful of wardrobe.

Jason Epperson - Blood Born - the story of a troubled kid with a miraculous gift. Brandon heads to his doctors office after receiving a phone call to come in. We see flash backs of the kid taking drugs, and having dealing with shady characters. We flash forward to the kid talking to the doctor. Apparently the kid has been donating blood - and test results have shown that his blood cures cancer patients. A very moving film with an unexpected twist at the end.

CF - I liked the film, but I'm confused over the message. I'm not sure what the moral is supposed to be.

WC - I thought the same thing. The character should have had to make some sort of decision.

GM - Be obscure, not subtle. Uplifting would have been a better in this.

Zach Lipovsky - Sunshine Girl - the story of a little girl who is afraid of the dark. Not the usual special effects film we expect from Zach - it was very good. A young girl reaches out her window and steals the sun from the sky - bringing it inside to light her room. The world is thrown into chaos as they try to figure out why the sun has gone. The young girl realizes her error and returns the sun to the sky.

CF- Simple story told simple - very nice. Could have done without the music. I like your other films better, but this is nice.

WC � Zach, you're a real film maker. I"m confused that she was afraid of the dark, though. Get better actors.

GM - I didn't get that she was afraid either. A charming story. The music was a little sappy, but what do I know - I did "Beaches".

Mateen Kemet - Lost - a romantic drama about real people who have lost love. Jerome and Devon decide to meet and talk about their lost love. Devon is looking for some closure, while Jerome is trying to rekindle the romance. Devon, however is married. The couple argue about what love really is, with Devon leaving Jerome at the table in tears and his own engagement ring.

CF- you're good at what you do. I wish more happened -it needed a third Act. You're talented and I love your work.

WC - I really liked it. I wasn't clear on what she as doing there. Overall I liked it.

GM - You shot it a little tight. If you shoot further back, they'll give you the money to shoot a movie. Shoot tight and you'll shoot soap operas.

Jess Brillhart - The Orchard - a quirky horror from the trees perspective. A man attempts to select and saw down a tree. The tree flashes back to watching the man approach - in a Blair Witch sort of way - then we return to the man who completes the job. I didn't feel that there was an ending here ... the tree should have fought back!

CF - this is my least favorite thing right after adolescence and being left by a man for another man.

WC - I enjoy your spirit and think trees will too. Horror is blood - not sap.

GM - the tree needed to fight back. It's a good idea - but the beginning of something. You fight better than the tree!

The judges select Zach's film as the best of the night. Next week On The Lot we see six of the remaining twelve filmmakers shoot comedies, and two weeks from tonight we'll see the remaining six shoot Horror films.

As always, you can find all the On The Lot, and MORE - reality news, scandal, spoilers and gossip at Willo's Web - get real!

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