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Around The World In 80 Plates: Exclusive Interview with Steve "Nookie" Postal

Posted on 07/23/2012 by Gina in Around the World in 80 Plates and Cast Interviews

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by Gina Scarpa


Just shy of the final challenge on Around The World In 80 Plates, Steve "Nookie" Postal was eliminated from the competition singlehandedly by his trusted alliance member Avery Pursell. Her reasoning? She felt he'd resort to shady moves in order to win a competition. Today, we talked to the always entertaining executive chef of the Red Sox in an exclusive interview about people's perception of him, his feelings on his elimination, and whether or not we'll see more of him.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What drew you to the show?
A. Nookie: I think it was the travel. That was the one thing. I love to travel and it's super important for my profession. I lived in Barcelona for a year, I lived in Italy for six months, and I traveled a lot through Europe. I love it!


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Some of the comments made on the finale were that you are shady and that people didn't like the way you played the game sometimes. Do those kinds of things bother you?
A. Nookie: I don't take anything I see on the show personally. I think she didn't pick me because she felt I was stronger. That's why she didn't pick me. That's what I would've done.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: So no hard feelings against Avery...
A. Nookie: Absolutely not! She knows I would've given her the boot as well. Liz is great, but she doesn't have the experience. Avery couldn't come out and say that because the whole show, she said how she wanted to go against the best. Avery and I had a lot of similarities. That's why we became so close. In the end, we'd make the same decisions. During the show, she just kept saying she wanted to go against the best. My whole thing was that it's a competition and it's about winning, so I'd rather go against the worst.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What was the biggest problem with your chorizo dish in Uruguay?
A. Nookie: You know, it just wasn't great. It really was too sweet. It wasn't a great dish. It's not worth defending it. I've thought over the past six months that there were so many other things I could've done. What a bad time to throw an egg... but I did.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: On the other hand, which dish were you most proud of?
A. Nookie: You know what dish I really liked was the ribollita I made in Tuscany. It was really good and people liked it. It was so good that after everything was over, we all went down and ate some more because it was so good.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You were definitely fun to watch this season. Have you thought about more tv?
A. Nookie: Yeah, I mean, I really enjoyed it. It was fun. I think people really like me and some people really didn't like me. I would be open to another opportunity. No one has come to me but I would be open for something. The people who don't like me make me laugh more, when you read the blogs or people bashing you. You tweet back and are like, "Thank you very much for the kind words."


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Since the show has wrapped, are there people that you've stayed in touch with.
A. Nookie: Yeah, John and Avery are the two, even though Avery did give me the boot. I talk to Chaz and I also talk to Jenna. John is great! I have nothing bad to say about John. He's a great guy, super talented, and has a great future ahead of him. I wish nothing but the best for everybody... except for Avery. No! I think some people thought I was offensive but it's tv. It's Bravo, not PBS. I have no problem with the way I was portrayed. I enjoyed the show and I watched it like a fan, like everybody else.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What are you up to now and what's next?
A. Nookie: Nookie is having another kid and Nookie is working on two restaurants. One will be in New York and one will be in Cambridge. We're hoping for April and September of next year.  You can follow me at @chefnookie. That's the best way to reach me!


(Image courtesy of Bravo)


Follow Gina @ginascarpa


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