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Interview with Mateen Kamet of FOX's On The Lot

Posted on 06/19/2007 by RealityWanted in On The Lot and Cast Interviews

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By Mark

Q. Mark (RealityWanted.com) Congratulations on making it this far on "On The Lot"
A. Mateen: Thank You, it has been a blast so far.

Q. Mark (Realitywanted.com) Tell us how got involved with ON THE LOT? Had you applied online or did you attend any sort of casting call event?
A. Mateen Kamet: It's kind of a funny story. . A friend brought me the information. about various online sites and users groups and we had talked about it after he picked up the information.m. When it came to submitting a film, I didn't want to send in the short film that I ended up sending in. I felt that that particular film had run its' course. It had been out for awhile and I had won many awards for it. Sometimes when a film is out for a while you're ready for the next one. So that friend comes to me and says what can it hurt, its Spielberg? So I submitted my short film "SILENT; " and here I am.

Q. Mark (RealityWanted.com.com) What originally got you into film making?
A. Mateen Kamet: I've always loved film. I have always been a bit analytical about film more so than my friends and I have always looked at film, not simply as a way to escape but more so as art and a way to make commentary on society. Years ago I would have never thought about being a film maker myself. Coming from South Bronx, I didn't know anyone in the film business. I started out in business and going to college to be a productive corporate citizen . It all changed when I watched Spike Lee's, "She Gotta Have It" . More importantly I saw him and I also saw how the film mirrored the people that are in my life every day. It was the first time I saw those characters on screen. I then started noticing how much press Spike Lee was getting. I was like wow, that cat is getting getting some great press.

Q. Mark (RealityWanted.com) When did the interest in film turn into the creative:?
A: Mateen Kamet: After college I started working in the finance and economics world. I was a bond trader.and I was doing the Wall Street thing when a very close friend I had known since I was five passed away suddenly... It really effected me. Id never known anyone to pass on that was that young. It effected me profoundly and it makes you think of ones' own mortality. It made me think about what my tombstone might say if I were to pass, "Here lies Mateen Kamet, He sold bonds."

Q. Mark (Realitywanted.com) What is the biggest challenge about taking part in "On The Lot"?
A. Mateen Kamet: Being sequestered and putting your life on hold for three months. It's hard not to talk to friends, family, girlfriends, lovers, and having no contact with the outside world. I don't even know who won the NBA challenge, do you? Mark (RealityWanted.com) I live in Arizona and once the Suns were eliminated I tuned out. Ill have to look it up and call you back.

Q. Can you talk about what this opportunity means to you?
A. Mateen Kamet: It's an amazing opportunity. How many people out there making films would want Steven Spielberg to know who they are, and view there work? I can say that now, I have 3 movies Spielberg has seen. If it stopped today, I have something only 1% of film makers can say they have ever had.

Q. Mark (RealityWanted.com) What is it like to be on stage in front of the audience and such a well known panel of judges?
A. Mateen Kamet: It is surreal. When they first showed us who the judges were we were all amazed. The size of things is amazing. It is a bit surreal when you're on stage and people are clapping and you're getting critiqued. Then you realize its being broadcast to millions of people. As film makers we like to be behind the camera. You try not to be too self conscious . The beauty is that I try to prepare and let you work speak for you.

Q. Mark (RealityWanted.com) I know you talked about Spike Lee's "She's Gotta Have it" earlier, but I have asked everyone if there was a film that you saw which made you realize �That's what I want to do with my life'?
A. Mateen Kamet: Yes, it was "She's Gotta Have It". That was the first film that made think about it, and then I saw "Deep Cover" with Laurence Fishburn. That movie really spoke to me.

Q. Mark (RealityWanted.com) Is there anything else you would like to tell fans of the show and all of the aspiring film makers?
A. Mateen Kamet: I would say first to all that you have to follow your heart and don't get discouraged . I thought about this as junior in college, but if I switched majors it would cost me two more years in school. Now I look back and think of how I could have saved myself ten years. I would tell others to never doubt yourself, if it's what you want to do, cast your bucket where you are and start to build. Make sure you are fierce in the face of adversity.

On The Lot


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