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Biggest Loser - Where Are They Now - Nikki Myers

Posted on 06/19/2007 by RealityWanted in The Biggest Loser

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By WillosWeb.com

June 19, 2007 |
Our "Where Are They Now" Summer Series continues with our favorite past contestants from NBC's hit reality show "The Biggest Loser". The premise of this series is simple ... asking the same set of questions to all participants ... getting honest answers in return.

Making it to the ranch in Season 3, one person from every State! A unique outlook on how obesity affects our nation from coast to coast. I spoke with our first 36's in the series this week who shows us what it was like getting fit AT HOME � and how it CAN be done!

A far cry from the Gastric Bypass Surgery scheduled if she didn't make the show, Nikki Myers proved to the world that you don't need surgery, tricks or gimmicks to get fit!

Nikki Myers

Since leaving the show have you gained weight?

Have you found it relatively difficult to maintain?
Just in this month of May I gained 6 pounds putting me at 155. In December I got down to 144 pounds. I absolutely freak out if I weigh over 150! On May 20th I completed a Marathon and allowed my self some extra slack and ate more due to the intense training schedule. Since completing the marathon, I have gotten back down to 150! This summer I would like to get down to 134 and maintain it!

I get on the scale everyday, it's now a part of my morning routine! If the scale is up, I figure out why and correct my behavior immediately! I continue to work out between 4-6 hours a week and I have lots of rules that I follow! Some of my rules include: no white bread or pasta, no cheese, no more than 2 glasses of alcohol ( a day) no just kidding, eat sitting- preferably at a table, no more than 3 different foods in a recipes (except egg white omelets) and eat sweets (dark chocolate, cookies or cupcakes) twice a month!

What sort of training plan are you following now?

Have you seen results?
Having completed a marathon, I am now beginning a six-week intense weight-training program in addition to running 3 times a week. I plan to do another marathon in Oct and work on getting faster!

I stay in my size 10 pants and 8 or 6 on top! I would like to be a size 8 or 6 on the bottom! I hope the weight training will help

What target/goals have you set for yourself?

Continue believing in myself and believe that being small is really worth the work! Goal, weight 134 size 8 or 6 pants!

Can you tell me a little about your experiences on the ranch?

Best times?
Worst times?
What's the ONE moment you'll never forget?
At 36ers boot camp, I was able to make some lasting friendships and develop a network of friends who support and care fore each other! I also learned tons of information on how to lose weight!.

best times- Ken Cannon' famous line- I am pissed!

worst times Ending up with sunburn on my face from standing around all day acting!

Never forget- Going to get food with other contests before making it to the ranch! I'll never forget how I felt being one of 50 people from across the nation struggling with obesity!

What type of support have you had in regards to dealing with the mental obstacles that come with obesity?

Do you feel overcoming these mental blocks have helped in maintaining your current health?
Absolutely! � I am maintaining!

I knew that I ate to deal with stress! Once I took the food out of the equation a lot of issues surfaces- finding a great life coach- made the difference for me! Additionally I continue to read everything I can get my hand on about obesity and exercise.

Do you feel better equipped to handle weight loss and maintenance after being on the show .. or do you feel the same?

I have the tools to maintain my weight for life! Now remembering to use them EVERYDAY is where it gets tricky- it is easy to fall and make excuses. The trick is getting back up and moving on.

How was the transition from "Reality TV Star" to "Real Life"

There are no stars on reality TV!

Were you able to incorporate what you learned at the ranch into your everyday routine?

Our boot camp was designed to help us succeed at home! We had weekly support along the way it was an awesome experience!

What's the BIG lesson you learned from your experience with The Biggest Loser?

Just do it! Put the pedal to the metal and get it done- No matter who's watching, when it's all said and done, I am the one who has to look in the mirror every day! It's all about me and it's MY TIME! Taking care of your health first is never selfish it's the right thing to do!

What are you doing now? Work? Home? Life in General?

I work as a Literacy Consultant in urban schools- I train and coach reading teachers. Socially, I get quite a few more dates now that I'm smaller! I also work with fellow teachers helping them to become runners! I have several friends who have been inspired to lose weight through my example! Life is the best yet for me! I just have one small request: I would like my boyfriend to find me before my birthday, which is Aug. 21! Any finders????

What's your routine like now?

i. Exercise..... Run 3 times a week for one hour!
Weight train 30 to 45 minutes 3 times a week

ii. Healthy Eating � I would rather cook at home, if I have to eat out, I try to keep it simple 2 vegetables and lean meat. Say NO to buffets in Vegas!

Have you found a healthy - happy balance between maintaining a healthy lifestyle with your family life and maintaining your careers?

It's hard to work out six days a week, work a demanding job, and live the single social life! But it's definitely more fun doing it all at 150 pounds as opposed to 234 pounds! I've met some great running buddies that have become good friends and this entire experience has definitely been worth every drop of sweat!

Check out my web www.fitnikki.com and check out the following CURRENT Pics.

Thanks Nikki!! And another round of thanks to all our Where Are They Now Series participants. I mentioned the other day that you all have very important � very unique stories to tell. The viewers of the show � those struggling with their own weight loss at home � all appreciate your sharing. Stay tuned for next week's �Loser' � Ken Coleman, who I hear just got a hair cut?! {shock!}
As always, you can find all the Biggest Loser, Fat March, and MORE - reality news, scandal, spoilers and gossip at Willo's Web - get real!

biggest loser


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