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Survivor: One World - Exclusive Interview with Troy "Troyzan" Robertson

Posted on 04/26/2012 by Gina in Survivor and Cast Interviews

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by Gina Scarpa


It seemed like a perfect plan. Some of the Salani women would team up with some of the men from Manono when the tribes were mixed up this season on Survivor: One World. But Kim and Chelsea had another plan to get all of the women to the end. One by one, the men were picked off and with his back against the wall, Troyzan was fired up and definitely not going to the jury without a fight. Last night, the women finally got him out of the game and we talked to him today about his love of the game, his alliance's betrayal, and what he learned the most watching the episodes back on television.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You said last night for eleven years, you wanted to be on Survivor. When did you first think about or start applying?
A. Troyzan: I saw the first episode of the first show, saw that music, and saw Richard Hatch and was like, "What's that?!" I found out how to apply and applied for the next season. I applied for every season. I made it to the semi-finals five times. I made it to the finals twice. They're like, "Haven't we seen you before?" I never gave up. I knew in my heart that at some point, I'd make it on the show. I was just in love with the show. Every season, I'd flip the tv on and imagine my face in the intro.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Your game started to pick up after the tribes were mixed up and you aligned with the Salani women. Before that though, which of the Manono guys were you working with?
A. Troyzan: I was working with Jonas, Tarzan, Leif, and Colton. I knew right away that Colton was going to be looked at as the outsider. He knew Survivor really well, but I thought he was going to get picked on. I thought it would easy to take him and that's why I took Leif as well. Jonas wasn't going to be looked at as a challenge guy, and Tarzan was the old guy. I thought if we could stay together, we'd win together. Colton was like a jerk to people with his racist comments but on Survivor, you're like, "If I can take him to the end, guess who's going to get the votes?" He didn't have as much power over me as maybe they showed.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Jay seemed like the first one to question whether or not the women were going to stay true to your alliance. When did you become suspicious?
A. Troyzan: I became suspicious with Kim when she came up to me and said, "We're still voting Alicia, right?" She said it like three times and it's like, you don't need to ask me three times. My intuition said this person is lying to me. I directly walked up to her and asked who she was voting for. I could tell in her eyes and her manners that she was lying. I went to Chelsea and I said, "Who are you voting for?" She said she wasn't voting for me. I asked her to swear on her father's life and she couldn't do that. Ding ding! That's when I went to Jay and let him know the scenario. He just didn't grasp it. I did. I didn't know he was that much up Kim's butt that he would say I had an idol. That was a backstab and hurt me the most in the game. Not just hurt me in the game, but hurt me because I trusted Jay.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: On last night's reward challenge, some people had to hear some tough things about themselves. Out of Christina, Kat, and yourself, who took the biggest hit in that survey?
A. Troyzan: Well, I mean Christina for some reason can let ... you can tell her something to her face and she'll be like, "Okay? Really?" Somehow, things just float off of her. Kat gets bummed out if you tell her things about herself but she doesn't mind being called kooky. I was a little surprised that no one wanted to talk to me again. It's like, "Alright, fine. Whatever, ladies. I disliked you before and I dislike you more now."


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: I love that you not only stirred the pot when you were one on one with some of these players, but you would announce things such as who you felt was the final three and four. Now the important question - why didn't anybody listen to you?!
A. Troyzan: I'm trying to talk to people who are irrational thinkers and give them a rational thought or action. It doesn't work with irrational thinking people. If they were thinking rationally, you could give them a scenario and predict what they're going to do or say. They're not there to win, they're there to stay around. Kim is playing to win, or perhaps Chelsea. You can't win if you're playing to stick around. There's a huge difference.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What's the biggest thing you've learned from watching the episodes back that perhaps you didn't know was going on when you were in the game?
A. Troyzan: Well, the smugness of the girls. The smugness of Sabrina. The smart aleck, overconfidence of the women came out way more. And actually, how much more of a deceitful person Kim is. I knew she was deceitful and I knew Chelsea was kinda two faced. I knew Sabrina was cocky but insecure, and I learned this. Who we are is exactly who we are out there. We're not playing characters. You can't say, "Out there, I had the ability to lie and cheat." No, that's who you are. What you see is 100% Troy and what you see is 100% them. What you saw Alicia do to Christina, she's capable of doing that in real life. I lied to Matt, and I can lie in life. Do I get mad when I get backed into a corner? Yes. That's who we are.


Survivor: One World airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on CBS.


(Image courtesy of CBS)

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