Posted on 09/02/2011 by Gina in Big Brother and Cast Interviews
by Gina Scarpa
All season long, Shelly played both sides of the house on Big Brother, yet swore that her allegiance was to Jeff and Jordan. That was until she saw a golden opportunity to break up America's Sweethearts and helped vote Jeff out of the game. Her decision to turn on them, along with the duo twist returning to the house, sealed her fate in the game and she was voted out by Jordan and Rachel on Thursday's live eviction episode. Today, we spoke to Shelly about her controversial decision and her other experiences playing Big Brother
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You and Cassi hit it off right from the beginning. Was it tough to lose your partner so early in the game?
A. Shelly: Absolutely. That was terrible. We did hit it off. She was awesome, it was really bad.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: When you originally aligned with Jeff and Jordan, were you planning on sticking with them through the entire game or did you always know you'd have to turn on them at some point?
A. Shelly: I knew I would have to turn on them at some point. I absolutely knew there would have to be a separation.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You went back and forth between the newbies and the veterans this season. Did you feel torn at all about where your allegiance should be?
A. Shelly: No, I didn't feel torn. My allegiance always would have stayed with the veterans because they had better gameplay. But on the other side, I needed to keep the newbies close and I knew they saw the veterans as such a threat and were so scared of them.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Did your fight with Jeff the morning of his eviction play a part in you turning on him?
A. Shelly: Yes.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: When you left the house, did you feel like you made amends with Jordan?
A. Shelly: Absolutely.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You told Julie that voting out Jeff was a dumb move but what do you feel was your best move in the game?
A. Shelly: My best move was being able to actually work to manipulate both sides. I was pleased when I was able to convince Kalia not to put Jeff and Jordan on the block and get Lawon up there. I was happy I could get her to hear my arguments. I think for the most, working both sides worked out great for me.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Who would you like to see make it to the end of Big Brother?
A. Shelly: I think Porsche, Rachel, and Jordan will make it to the end.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You've been cooped up all summer. What's the first thing you're going to do outside of the Big Brother house?
A. Shelly: I am going to grab my little girl and my husband and hold on for dear life.
Find out who becomes the next HOH on Big Brother, Sunday at 8/7c on CBS.
(Image courtesy of CBS)
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