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Most Eligible Dallas: Episode 3 Recap

Posted on 08/29/2011 by Todd in Most Eligible Dallas

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by: Todd Betzold


The Most Eligible Dallas stars are back and another look at why they remain single.


Courtney starts us out this week calling Neill, to yet again, try and mend fences with her so she can get in good graces with Matt, the man she truly wants (and in this episode we see he wants her just as much). They decide to go out to lunch together to work it all out.


Matt, in the middle of a "business" meeting, gets interrupted by a woman "friend" and of course, he states he can always make time for a beautiful woman. So, he cuts off the meeting and proceeds to get some dessert with her and chat. During this, another "friend" of his walks by and she joins them and awkwardness between the ladies pursues. Matt is so full of himself.


We then get to see Courtney and Neill, as they meet for lunch. Neill brings her son, Major, who happens to be a super cutie. Courtney attempts an apology, which is a lame attempt at one, and Neill wants nothing to do with it. In the end, they agree to move past it and it ends on a positive note between them, to which Matt calls Courtney later to thank her for that gesture.


Later, Courtney, Glenn and Matt go out for lunch and Courtney informs them that she has signed them both up for a date auction for charity. Glenn is all excited about it, while Matt is lenient. They decide to have a little mini-competition between the two of them to see who can raise more money.


Courtney now is out shopping with Tara and they proceed to get manis and pedis. Jody, Tara's date from last week, comes to visit Tara. Courtney tells Tara she will always be fourth in his life, behind his three kids, and that he is not really Tara's type. In the long run, Courtney hates to see anyone else happy in a relationship since she is miserably single.


It is now time for the date auction, in which everyone but Neill is present. Glenn is working the crowd and very personable while Matt is very awkward and not enjoying himself. Drew states he will be buying Glenn, which entails some bidding back and forth, but in the end Drew wins Glenn for $900. He demands Glenn take his shirt off for everyone, so Glenn rips it off and gives a show for all the ladies. After winning, Drew gives the date to Courtney because he is hoping she gets laid.


Matt's turn and he gets bought for $425, in which he says that there was not a girl there worth talking to, the auction was in a bad place and a bad time and one excuse after another. A sore, sore loser he is.


It is date time again, with Glenn going out with Courtney, Tara going on a date with a new guy, Jesse, and Matt going out with his "friend," M.J.


Glenn and Courtney's date gave me a glimmer of hope that these people may be not as annoying as they are portrayed, but that feeling won't last long. They were cute on the date, being flirtatious, having normal chit chat, him giving her a foot massage...it was nice to see. It ended with them both going their separate ways, even though Glenn wanted a kiss goodnight.


Tara and Jesse was just an awkward date. Jesse was a very inappropriate guy and saying stuff he just shouldn't have. They argued about Lady Gaga, he wasn't a fan of the dress Tara was wearing when they met and he was down to have sex with her...all this, in the middle of a first date....needless to say, the night was ended early.


Matt and M.J. had one of his normal dates, but it ended briefly as well when she stated she wanted something more serious and he, of course, is not looking to settle down. He ends the date shortly after, with them both going their separate ways.


The show ends with Courtney calling Matt after their dates and you can clearly see the flirtation, but on both sides now. He finds her voice sexy, at that time, and her asking the colors of her eyes and he knows the answer. We all know you want each other, just get together already, but alas there is more of the season before we can see that.


Most Eligible Dallas airs Mondays at 10/9c on Bravo.


(Image courtesy of Bravo)


Follow Todd @tbetzold



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