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Ghost Hunters International (GHI) Season 2: "Hamlet's Castle" - Episode 20 Recap

Posted on 01/05/2011 by Chad in Ghost Hunters International

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Barry Fitzgerald

Barry Fitzgerald


Story by: Chad Alan


Kronborg Castle AKA "Hamlet's Castle" - Helsingor, Denmark


The Kronborg castle is known as "Hamlet's Castle" because it is said that William Shakespeare got his inspiration for "Hamlet", serving as the location for the play.  Part of the enormous grounds and buildings were built in 1420 with additional pieces added in the 15th century.  It was built by the King of Denmark to block the Baltic Sea.  Ships wanting to pass through had to pay the King, turn around, or get fired on by the multiple layers of canons surrounding the castle.  Many reports of shadowy figures and some life like figures of soldiers are a common theme coming from visitors and the current workers of the castle, which now serves as a living museum.  Loud screams, sounds of horses, and what seems like army generals shouting orders, have also been reported.


Kris Williams and, new team leader, Barry Fitzgerald were the first to investigate the castle, starting in the enormous grand ball room.  Noises began and Kris caught something out of the corner of her eye, a shadowy figure reported many times by the current caretakers.  The next stop was the Queen's bedroom.  As they walked into the room, they immediately caught a shadow figure pass by the window followed by random noises that they could not identify where they were coming from.


Susan Slaughter and Paul Bradford drew the short straws and had to do their investigating in the dungeon.  Paul was the first to hear some voices followed by Susan catching a "grey mass" down one of the corridors.  They could not get any additional contact so they headed back up to the main level of the castle.


Joe Chin and Britt Griffith were the next to investigate the dungeon and it wasn't long before they began sharing some of the same experiences that Susan and Paul had during their investigation.  Voices, strange noises, and possibly something throwing rocks in their general direction, were all items they hoped would end up on their recorders.  They headed back up to one of the main floors and it seemed like something was trying to make contact with them.  It was not long after this that Joe noticed the chandelier moving and it was caught on video.  No windows were open and no breezes were being felt coming from other areas.


The entire team headed to the ballroom to try the "Singapore Theory."  The Singapore Theory is trying to find ways to recreate times of old by playing music, dancing, conversing...anything that might reflect activities that might have occurred in that particular room or area.  A few team members believed they might have caught some shadows at the other end of the ballroom.


A few good items came out of the review of their audio and video recordings.  In one EVP the answer to one of Britt's question came before he could barely get the question out of his mouth.  This is something that the local TAPS team has encountered.  One video caught a flashlight being moved in the dungeon while the temperature gauge and EMF detectors was going off right next to it...all captured in the video recording.  Barry felt that there was enough evidence to call the castle haunted, something the locals did not need to be convinced off.


Extra Note:

The new season started off with the realization that former team leader Robb Demarest and investigator Brandy Greene are no long with the team.  Kris Williams and Britt Griffith were hurried off this past season's Ghost Hunters to fill the void.  There were a few rumors that both Robb and Brandy were not happy with the direction the show was going and also rumors that part of their dissatisfaction was the powers that be wanted a little more acting and a lot less fact finding.  I'll let you read between the lines on that one.  No official statement has been made by the network that I am aware of.  It's very challenging just to find an updated picture of the current team for either GHI or Ghost Hunters itself.  There is not even a listing of what season this is; just that it's a new season.  The network needs to give these popular shows their due. 



Ghost Hunters International airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on Syfy.  Check your local listings, especially since the HD channels offer different times for the show.


(Image courtesy of Syfy)



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