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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Episode 9 Recap

Posted on 12/16/2010 by Chandra in The Real Housewives

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills


by Chandra Clewley


On this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills we start with Camille and Taylor having lunch. Camille wants to put together a dinner at her house for a few friends and the girls to try and bring everyone together.  She decides to invite her friend who the TV show Medium is based on, Allison Dubois, but says she will have to watch her if she drinks too much since she tends to get mouthy. Umm…alcoholic much?


Cutting to the chase, all the girls get ready in cocktail attire and get limos to take them to the dinner party. Allison and Camille’s other friend/makeup artist Deirdre are already there talking smack about the girls before they arrive. Really, it seems like Camille is riling them up, saying that she would not necessarily chose them as friends etc…so the girls walk into a lion’s den to begin with.


Everyone is leery of Camille and Kyle being together again, but things seem to be going smoothly until someone opens up Allison Dubois’s gizzard and one drink drinks another drink drinks another drink et. Al. ad nauseum like a true alcoholic and she starts getting weird at the dinner table.


Kyle has brought a friend too, who happens to be Faye Resnick, another lady of the Beverly Hills society who was good friend s with Nicole Brown Simpson.  Camille takes a moment to cut her to the quick by mentioning that she knows her name, and then acts as if it suddenly came to her, and she recognizes her from Playboy. Puleeeeze!!! Camille is a miserable snark and it is obvious that she decided to bring that up to make her guest feel lesser than she is. At least Faye doesn’t have to pay off her “friends”. 


Lisa and the girls are pressing Allison Dubois to do some psychic on them, and drunk Allison says “Don’t tempt me” cause she is off the clock. Camille warns them that if someone’s husband is cheating on them, she will tell them, so make sure they can take it…Ironic much????


Finally, Allison takes the bait, and all hell breaks loose as she tells Kyle that she will never get what she wants emotionally from her husband.  Then, Allison starts getting combative, mouths off to Kyle and Faye and tells them to leave. All this time, Adrienne, Lisa, Taylor and Kim are sitting there in stunned silence but then Kim starts in on Taylor again, and finally Taylor stands up and says “Enough!” and the women all get up and leave…with Allison spewing a bunch of weird, drunk, truck driver insults at the women about how they are no one and nothing…um…okay…and you are a drunk “psychic”. 


Once the ladies leave they giggle on the way to the limo, not believing what they just dealt with. Meanwhile, at home, Camille makes a comment about Mauricio (Kyle’s husband) liking more than just the nannies…he likes women in general.  I wonder if Kelsey was in the arms of his mistress at that very moment when they were taping.


Catch an all new Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Thursday at 10/9 C on Bravo.


Follow Chandra at http://twitter.com/#!/ChandraClewley


For more Real Housewives of Beverly Hills visit Sirlinksalot.net




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