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Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains - Trainer's Tips, Episode 3

Posted on 03/01/2010 by Gina in Survivor and Reality Writers

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Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains


by Ashley Trainer
Survivor: Samoa


"The Machete grew legs and walked away.." by far my favorite line in this episode of Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains. It's all fun and games until your tribe figures you out. I had to shake my head when I saw Russell digging in the sand to hide the machete. Sabotaging your own tribe is something I can't seem to understand. I didn't get why he did it last season and I don't get why he is doing it again. Even though he said he wasn't, I guess he seems to be playing the same game he did in Samoa but let's swap Parvati and Natalie.


The Heroes' camp life still seems to be great (and the villains seem to not be doing as wonderful). I loved watching them all corner the chicken and when Tom caught it, I wanted to cheer. I enjoy watching Tom; I liked him first time around in Palau and am still rooting for him. I don't have much faith that he will make it far due to the alliances he has made, but a girl can hope!


Rupert was right, they needed a little bonding; maybe that is why they finally won. I give kudos to Tom, JT and Rupert for catching the chicken. Those little things are fast! Side note: Why is Candice so paranoid? Oh wait, I know, she thinks she's the next person to go. I know what she feels like. No one understands what it's like when it's your head on the chopping block. Every time anyone walks off, you think they are talking about you.


Back to the villains - I do have to give some credit to Russell, he makes me laugh. I don't know how he comes up with some of the stuff he says. He is entertaining and that's why the public loves to hate him!


Challenge time. First thing first: Is Courtney ever going to participate in a challenge? I think they are too scared she will literally break if she's in a physical challenge. That challenge looked dangerous; I am surprised there were not any injuries. It did look fun, though.


I think Courtney was right; James was put on the wrong tribe. After he won, he for sure did not handle it with grace. I thought Danielle lost a tooth with all the mud that was in her face. Randy looked like a rag doll going up against James and Coach's little victory dance was classic. Whoops, hold on Coach, you did not win and you have to re-battle. Needless to say, the Heroes won in a clean sweep against the villains. A much needed win if I do say so myself.


After the villains lost, camp life must have been crazy. Russell was probably running around like a squirrel putting thoughts in everyone's ear. (Trust me, I know from experience) as other people ganged up on Jerri to find out who she was voting for. I like Sandra's response to Coach, smart move on her part: "Just go along with the tribe."


I have to admit I had no idea who was leaving and then tribal... whoa what just happened? The whole episode, I thought there was a good chance Parvati would be voted off. I knew it was a tossup between Parvati and Randy. Bye, Randy! I can't say I will miss him, because I won't. He did not contribute a great deal and I didn't see him much. To be honest, I kind of forgot he was on this season. I do have to say leaving by throwing his buff in the fire was for sure the way a villain would leave; classless.


I think they should have voted off Parvati. She is a huge threat in the game and I think she will sneak under the radar until the merge and take everyone down. There is something about Parvati that everyone loves, especially the men. I love how Coach said he wouldn't fall for her charm and then he was flirting with her in the ocean. Like Jerri said, I want to bottle some of that up and use it in the real world, I will take some too Jerri!


Trainer's Tip #3 - Boston Rob is a smart guy, watching the way people sleep can give you a major lead on who has alliances. I started sleeping next to Russell for a few nights, then moved next to Jaison. Look where that got me!


Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains - Episode 3 Recap
Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains - Exclusive Interview with Randy Bailey


Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains airs Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.


(Image courtesy of CBS)


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