Posted on 10/30/2009 by Gina and Cast Interviews
by Gina Scarpa & David McAlpine
It was face off week on The Biggest Loser, meaning that players from opposing teams would be paired up to weigh in against each other. The winning team would have to win 3 of the 5 matchups. Blue team members Rebecca, Tracey, Liz, and Rudy all pulled higher percentages of weight loss than their black team opponents and easily won. When it came time for the black team to make the difficult decision of eliminating one of their own, Abby volunteered to leave. Feeling that she knew who she was and could continue her journey on her own, she headed home after her team granted her wish and wrote her name down in the elimination room. Today, she spoke to RealityWanted in an exclusive interview about her experiences on the show and where life is taking her.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What motivated you to go on the Biggest Loser and begin this weight loss journey?
A. Abby: Before deciding to audition for the Biggest Loser, I physically felt terrible. I had no energy or zest for life. I knew I needed a big change in my life and decided I would give the show a shot.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What was your motivation the whole time while you were on the ranch?
A. Abby: My motivation while on the ranch was knowing that I wanted to feel better and have a passion for life once again. I felt the physical change in energy almost immediately and that allowed for the greater healing to begin.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Was it difficult when you were separated from your teammate Allen & did the two of you continue to help
each other even after you were put on different teams?
A. Abby: Wearing a different colored shirt from Allen did not mean that we were not pulling for one another. I wanted for Allen to succeed, and I feel like he wanted the same for me.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Why did you volunteer to go home on last night's episode? Was that a difficult decision?
A. Abby: I decided to be the one to go home from our team because it was the right thing to do. Both Amanda and Daniel were both on the cusp of breakthroughs. Shay was/is family. Just like I said on the show, I know who I am and who I want to be. Though I have suffered a great tragedy, I feel like I have been equally blessed. I could not have stayed on at the ranch knowing I had sent one of my other team members home. My journey was about feeling, loving, and living again and I am!
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You and Shay seemed to have a special bond. What did that relationship, in particular, mean to you?
A. Abby: Shay... I wish I could invent a word that embodies how I feel about Shay. She was an absolute God-send to me at the ranch. Shay has an ability to allow you to see a situation from a totally different perspective and thus allows you a better understanding of the world around you. I am a better person because I have Shay in my life.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Now that you're home, how are you staying on track and losing more weight?
A. Abby: Since coming home, I have stayed the course. I feel stronger and fitter each and every day. I try to only weigh once a week and not become obsessed by the number on the scale. I don't want it to define me now either. I have been fortunate enough to figure out how to incorporate all the things I learned at the ranch into my real new life, and it's great!
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Did people on the ranch really dislike each other that much?
A. Abby: As with anything, some personalities fit together while others may clash some.
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Have you stayed in touch with the other contestants?
A. Abby: I do stay in touch with most of the other contestants. Shay and I talk at least once a week. The Biggest Loser family is, for the most part, a great group of people!
Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Tell us more about how you've traveled around for speaking engagements. What are you hoping people get out of hearing your story?
A. Abby: The speaking thing is a new dream. I am in the process of getting a website going to be able to travel around the country speaking with different groups. My main objective for audiences to take away from my story is that you do not have to be a victim in your life. You have the power to choose how you respond in your life, and that there is ALWAYS hope!
The Biggest Loser airs Tuesdays at 8pm ET on NBC.
(Image courtesy of NBC)
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