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Ghost Hunters International (GHI), Season 2, Episode 6 Recap

Posted on 08/12/2009 by Chad in Ghost Hunters

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Ghost Hunters International

(Photo courtesy of SyFy) - Left to Right - Barry Fiztgerald, Dustin Pari, and Robb Demarest. 

Not pictured: Brandy Green, Joe Chin, and Ashley Godwin

El Bosque City Hall - El Bosque, Chile

Now used to house the offices of the El Bosque government, this old building served as a reform school for orphans before turning into a retirement home for priests.  Children who misbehaved were put in cages and were possibly badly beaten.  There were no “timeouts” in the good old days.  In 1973 there was a political coup and people began disappearing. The basement of this building may have been a place where these missing people were tortured and murdered.  Workers have reported seeing former priests roaming the halls, children playing, crying, and have noticed items completely rearranged in various offices.


Robb Demarest and Brandy Green began the investigation and, while going through a few of the offices, noticed their static meter registering full activity and it would not stop, and this was right after Rob had heard some noises.  Joe Chin and Paul Bradford, who was subbing for Ashley Godwin, spent some time in the courtyard and were using some of their new fangled camera equipment which is motion activated.  The camera went off suddenly but nothing appeared in the initial picture.   Robb and Brandy took their next investigative spot to where the former items from children were kept.  This area was right by where the “child cages” were found.  As there were asking questions they began getting responses they asked for using their static meter.  Hopefully some EVPs would be caught.  Joe and Paul headed to the basement, trying to get some responses about what may have occurred down there concerning the alleged torturing .  As they were talking about some of the activity experienced in the building, Paul felt that someone had pushed his head down.  Although Paul has been investigating the paranormal for a long time, he was visibly shaken by the event.  Barry and Dustin began trying to get a response from “Father Juan”, one of the past priests said to be still inhabiting the building.   Barry noticed that his full spectrum camera had taken a good amount of pictures so hopefully a ghost made itself visible.


The full spectrum camera did have an interesting whited out photo between two other perfectly normal pictures.  Paranormal, yes, a ghost, possibly something making contact.  They were able to catch the moment on film where Paul was touched on his head.  Either Paul is a great actor or he was touched by a spirit. There were some unexplainable.  One excellent EVP came after a few members asked “is there more waiting for us after this life?”  The response was an eerie “HELL!”  Another EVP recorded said “We’re here.”  The GHI team felt the city hall was haunted and the viewer would have to agree.

Santiago Severin Library - Valparaiso, Chile

The library, built from 1912-1919, has had many families stay there as the caretakers and it seems as if these former tenants don’t want to leave.  The current caretakers experience multiple cold spots, ghostly figures, and door knobs trying to turn and open the door.  The library is old and doesn’t seem well taken care of, a perfect spot for a slasher movie to be filmed. 


It wasn’t long into the investigation, while Paul and Robb were investigating the theatre, they believe they were hearing disembodied voices.  As they called out for more sounds they began hearing responses to their questions.  They asked for a chair to be moved and one did.  Dustin and Barry spent time investigating the basement, asking many questions, were feeling a significant temperature fluctuation.  Brandy and Joe spent their time in the Directors office, a place where a woman in black has been seen.  This was a quick investigation, show wise, so we’ll see if there is really much evidence.


The best evidence was going to have to be when Robb and Paul asked for the spirits to move a chair and their response was backed up by the sound of a chair moving.  They were not able to debunk the door knob moving, it seemed pretty sturdy and would have needed some strong force to make it move like reported.  The team wasn’t going to call the library haunted because there simply wasn’t enough evidence.


This show was the Season 2.0 finale and I would have to say it was one of the best seasons to date.  Ashley Godwin was a solid add to the team and there were certainly some very paranormal moments.  The original Ghost Hunters start a whole new season next Wednesday and the ratings should be some of the best of all time as the show continues to gain momentum through world of mouth. 



Chad Alan

Story by: Chad Alan

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