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Hell's Kitchen Season 6: Episode 5 Recap

Posted on 08/11/2009 by Gina in Hells Kitchen

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Hell's Kitchen Season 6


by Gina Scarpa


Tonight, on Hell’s Kitchen, the remaining 12 chefs are asked to prepare a very special surprise dinner for a marine, Otis James, who has just returned home from Iraq.  After talking to his wife, the teams must plan a special tasting menu based on his personal preferences.  Robert was able to communicate clearly with his team and collaborate with them, while Suzanne couldn’t seem to articulate one thing that she learned from talking to his wife.  It’s no surprise then that the blue team ends up winning the challenge.  Can the women work together a bit better please?   You gotta represent, ladies!


The guys get to be a fighter pilot for a day for their reward and as punishment, the girls have to redecorate the entire restaurant in preparation for dinner service.  Is it sad that, considering I’m afraid to fly, I’d rather redecorate?


The surprise dinner is quite a heartwarming moment for Hell’s Kitchen.  Otis is surprised by his loved ones, in particular, his mother who he has not seen since returning home.


Heartwarming moment over.  Chef Ramsay screams his head off at Sabrina, who starts screwing up the minute dinner service starts.  Over in the blue kitchen, Jim is "in the weeds" as they say in the restaurant business.  The steak orders are coming in faster than he can keep up with and he's just completely lost.  He started out this season so strong and has been slipping week after week.  Speaking of people who are slipping, Tek can't even manage to answer Chef Ramsay when he asks how long on her food.  Gordon is really losing his you-know-what in tonight's dinner service.  He is just red faced and screaming his head off.  How can anyone relax and enjoy dinner with that voice going non stop at level 10 volume?


The women are unable to pull off another win. In fact, they're so bad that the men had to head over into the red kitchen and save them.  Ramsay tells them that, as a team, they need to nominate two women for elimination.  He finishes by telling them to piss off.  Pretty sure he couldn't make it any clearer.  The red team nominates Tek and Tennille, no strangers to the bottom.  Tenille calls out Amanda for being weak and Ramsay calls her up to the front as well.


Tennille makes a strong case for herself and Ramsay sends her back in line. Tek tries to say how passionate she is about food but there is passion in her face or voice.  Amanda promises to try to step up and breaks down.  Ramsay thinks that she's done and she says that she can do it.  Not sure about that but her tears will get her somewhere for the time being, I'm sure.  Tek is asked to give up her jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen.


Hell’s Kitchen airs Tuesday nights at 8pm ET on FOX.


(Image courtesy of FOX)


For more Hell's Kitchen Links visit Sirlinksalot.net


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