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Big Brother: Busted - Be Careful What You Wish For An Editorial Column Containing Live Feed

Posted on 08/10/2006 by RealityWanted in Big Brother

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By: Lin Sbordone
First of all, I wouldn't want to leave anyone in the dark regarding the current house status, so let's get that out of the way.  As we know from the show, Dani is HOH and originally nominated James and Janelle for eviction.  Though it wasn't shown o­n the broadcast, during the competition Dani had promised Howie safety before his fall, so out of all the Sov that left o­nly three possibilities for elimination.  With her secretly working with James, she made a brilliant move putting up a "Sov" as a dummy nomination since it will make it appear to the rest of the household that she put up two Sovs and was unwilling to take a chance o­n a Sov escape.  With the entire house pretty much, for whatever reason, having made Janelle into the target/scapegoat, she put Janelle up against James, giving the two most athletic members a chance to fight it out "fair and square". 
Well, o­n Saturday that is precisely what occurred, and Janelle saved herself yet again, giving her yet another week to calm down the anger brimming from everyone in her direction.  Dani has been very forthright, other than her decoy nominee, with just about everyone, including those she feels she must send home.  Whether o­ne is a Sov fan or not, surely it is easily recognizable that an alliance of four has more votes than any other alliance and thus presents the greatest threat to the other players and must be dealt with them.  Just as she said o­n the show, she's not here to leave the dirty work to everyone else.  Amen!  The "brilliant" Sov had four weeks of power to take out those they feel threaten them the most, Chill Town, and refused, so why should anyone else do it, particularly when their two votes are helping the HOH's cause?  So with Kaysar being the last option since Dani is proving to be a woman of her word and not seriously considering nomination Howie after she made a promise, Kaysar found himself in the nomination chair as a replacement nomination, NOT a backdoor.  Though the votes will likely be cast live o­n Thursday, barring intervention to keep o­ne of the two all-stars CBS believed coming into the show to be the viewer's favorites, Kaysar will be finding himself beside Julie Chen watching goodbye messages Thursday.  The man who pontificates about integrity without putting action behind it will find himself evicted due to someone else's true display of integrity.  The irony and its painful revelations.....(To boot, it will be his 26th birthday and will also make him the first person ever with three tries at the prize o­n a reality show sent home before jury every time.)
Is Kaysar's probable journeying home such a terrible thing?  Last year, he was able to make a name for himself as not o­nly o­ne of the most beloved houseguests ever, but also as a force with which to be reckoned and much potential to do great things in the public.  All year, his fans were told of the undertakings he was going to accomplish:  A full fledged clothing line that would combine Mid-Eastern imagery and terminology with Western fashion, political pro-peace movement plans, a nationwide charitable foundation that would help people from a micro to macro level, along with acting classes that were said to be o­nly for the purpose of achieving fame to make his pro-peace message more accepted and relevant.  Speaking engagements were also o­n his list of to-dos and ways to make the world a better and more enlightened place.  What happened to this man?  What happened to this image of goodness, integrity, and compassion? 
Speculation ranges for these answers from lack of life experience to repetitive personal problems that prohibited him from accomplishing these things.  Yet, the Kaysar seen o­n the feeds and the show, when they even have enough footage to use to spotlight him, appears to be a completely different person.  o­n the feeds, he has moped around most of the time in between his grand plans.  During his week as HOH, he took the easy way out and put up two individuals who weren't even direct threats after promising all over every media outlet to which he had access how he would take down his "evil" nemesis Dr. Will Kirby.  First of all, he failed to consider during the game thus far that other contestants than the Sov have moral integrity and values as well, o­nly many have the experience to believe that respect is earned, not just given.  In fact, it has been his "nemesis" Will, not Kaysar, who has been the first to give credit where it is due, the first to convey why he has earned a right to be particularly proud and even arrogant, being that he has the actions and years of work behind him to back up his statements.  Perhaps Kaysar could have actually learned a great deal from Will, but instead he has resisted all attempts by anyone to help him.  He has repeatedly also stated o­n the feeds that he wants to go home, partially because of "a blonde girl in Florida" and partially because of a serious tragedy that took place before he entered the house.  Since his knowledge of his nomination, which Dani was honest enough to let him know about before the ceremony even took place, he has campaigned full force to stay in the house.  That in my mind is commendable from a game-play standpoint, but thinking that you can bark orders to your troops and allies as to what to do when and if you leave is not.  He did this last year, left Howie following his suggestions, and we all know how THAT turned out!
James might be two steps away from o­ne of reality TV's biggest weasels and a bit paranoid to boot, but at least he participates and provides some plot basis for the show.  Not o­nly has Kaysar let his fans and possibly stripped himself of the capacity to reach his previous goals, the desire of which I do believe to still be genuine.  Yet this season, he is adding nothing but dead air to this program and watching him walk out would be refreshing and also highlight the fact that the Big Brother All-Stars game is awn!  Sorry it's your birthday Kaysar, but thanks for providing a present to the viewers.  I seriously hope he hasn't lost his ability to be taken seriously as a true man of honor and do some spectacular good in this world, but all of that remains to be seen.  In the game of Big Brother, his dead weight needs to go, plain and simple.  Perhaps this is what the producers of All-Stars were thinking:  No o­ne is black and white, and the public quickly will turn villains into heroes and vice versa.  Whether the overwhelming love for Kaysar resulted from a well-hyped man and producers duping an audience or whether he has just lost some of his sparkle, unless a miracle happens, Kaysar is coming home.  In the words of another old adage, "Be careful what you wish for or you might just get it," it is time to say good-bye and good riddance as the show finally starts livening up and getting underway.  "America, you love them so much, we're sending them back to you," promised Will Kirby.  And apparently, he's o­nce again correct.



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