Posted on 12/10/2008 by RealityWanted in The Amazing Race and Cast Interviews
Q. Mark, Thank you for taking the time to talk with us about your experience on The Amazing Race. Have you guys been long time fans of The Amazing Race?
A. Starr, The Amazing Race 13: Nick and I have been fans ever since season one. We were too young to apply when it first aired and assumed it wouldn’t be around by the time we were old enough to try out.
A. Nick, The Amazing Race 13: I remember watching it in High School and thinking how cool it was and wanted to try out for it.
Q. Mark, So whose idea was it to apply for the show and win a million bucks?
A. Starr, The Amazing Race: I went online one day and noticed the application for season 13 were due in one week, so I booked a flight to see Nick and we got all the application information together.
Q. Mark, I know we don’t have a ton of time but let’s talk about your cast mates, what did you think of Toni and Dallas?
A. Nick, The Amazing Race 13: Talk about the coolest mom. We loved them both but also knew Toni and our mother would get along and now they hang out all the time.
A. Starr, The Amazing Race 13: Of course we loved Toni and Dallas. I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan so when he introduced himself I was like are you kidding me.
Q. Mark, Starr, give us the good on you and Dallas.
A. Starr, The Amazing Race 13: Dallas and I have been dating for about 6 months now. I will be headed home for Christmas so I will see him in a couple of weeks. Dallas and I see each other as much as we can.
Q. Mark, You live in New York right?
A. Starr, The Amazing Race 13: Yes, I live in New York and work at a school for autistic children, but planning on moving back to California since I want to live closer to Dallas.
Q. Mark, Nick, I talked with some fellow racers who said a few things about you. They talked about you being two faced or lying and so on. I didn’t catch any of this on the show, can you shed some light?
A. Nick, The Amazing Race 13: The reason some of them felt this way wasn’t due to how I raced, but what I said about my profession on day one.
Q. Mark, What did you say? I may have missed it or forgotten.
A. Nick, The Amazing Race 13: I told them I worked for my father, I didn’t tell them I was an actor because I didn’t want people to assume I was using this to advance my acting career or have them assume I could lie easily. Mark and Bill then Googled me and found my website, told everyone about it, but no one told me they knew.Throughout the race they would ask me about my job and I answered as if I worked for the family business. I can see why they may have said this, but it really didn’t influence the race.
Q. Mark, Talk to me about what may have surprised you while watching it at home or the videos clips online.
A. Starr, The Amazing Race 13: I don’t want to name names, but lets name names. Christie and Kelly attacked other teams for no reason.
A. Nick, The Amazing Race 13: I was really surprised at some of the videos we watched online. We hadn’t been into the race more then 48 hours and Christie and Kelly started saying Starr was overweight and called me a ballerina. I was shocked and wondered where that all came from. I may have lied during the race but I never attacked anyone like that.
Q. Mark, Toni said 80% of your success depended on the cab drivers. Is that true?
A. Nick, The Amazing Race 13: They did have an impact, but you can help a bit by trying to be calm. It doesn’t help them to have screaming Americans in the car and a camera in their face.
A. Starr, The Amazing Race 13: I agree, on season 13 cab drivers had a much bigger impact on your success.
Thanks for spending time with us today and best of luck to you both.
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