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Big Brother 10 - Episode 17 – The POV is Up for Grabs

Posted on 08/19/2008 by RealityWanted in Big Brother

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Words by Nikki Maria

Renny is the Head of Household and has nominated April and Jerry for eviction – April because she’s simply a threat, and Jerry because he put her (Renny) up on the block in the very beginning of the game. Payback baby! However, April is Renny’s primary target, not Jerry. But Dan is suspicious of Renny’s decision to nominate Jerry; he’s wondering why she didn’t nominate Ollie instead, and break up the April-Ollie alliance. Renny says without hesitation, “I like Ollie, “ leaving Dan, Memphis, and Keisha a bit nervous.

Picking the Veto Players - Renny announced the players for the VETO competition: herself, the two nominees, Dan, Keisha, Ollie, and Michelle was the host. Ollie vowed to April that he will try his best to win the POV and take her off the block. Dan, Memphis and Keisha hope that Ollie does not win the POV, because they don’t want him to save April from eviction. They want her gone!

The VETO Competition – The houseguests proceed to the backyard only to walk into a graveyard – bones, caskets, and horror-like props were scattered around the yard. And the creepy crawly roaches were real. YUCK!  The players had a few minutes to scope out and study the backyard, and thereafter, BB will ask them a variety of questions about the objects in the yard. The game consisted of memory and measurement. And the first player to earn three points will win the POV.  Ready, set, go!

Renny was eliminated first, followed by April, and then Keisha. Dan, Jerry, and Ollie are left, but Dan ultimately wins to the POV. And his mission is to break up the April-Ollie alliance, which means that he would have to use the VETO on Jerry to get the job done.

Bribery - Meanwhile, April has $5000 BB gold bars in her possession from the ‘Hockey Power of VETO’ competition. She may use good ‘ole bribery so that Dan has a reason to explore the option to use the POV to save her from eviction. And Jerry was gunning for Dan from day one, but Dan is thinking that he needed to see where Jerry’s head was at before considering the plan to use the POV on him. Dan believes that he could turn an enemy (Jerry) back into a friend, or, the entire plan could totally backfire.

Memphis, who is playing a quiet game, says to Dan that Ollie is a wild card and needs to go. So Dan asks Renny what she would think if he used the POV on Jerry … Renny said that he’d be a traitor.

VETO Meeting - The kitchen table is shrinking, so that means the game is coming to an end soon! April and Jerry waited patiently up on the block, wondering if they will be saved from eviction. So does Dan use the POV to save one of the two? Nope! He leaves the nominations the same. And he also puts a buzz in the air that he was bribed with money to use the POV. He didn’t say who bribed him; he just wanted to shake things up a bit.

Who will go home? Jerry or April?

Kisses and Competitions,


Web site: www.nikkimaria.net and / or www.myfashionfrenzy.net

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