jayhare is a <strong>VIP </strong> member.<br/><br/>For as little as 13 cents per day you too can apply to casting calls before anyone else and come up in casting director search results first.


Male, 75, Aliso Viejo CA

Additional Media

Budapest at midnight

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=012RQpwoqFU Budapest at Night - a Viking Cruise

Promo for "Here There & Everywhere with Jay Hare"

Promo of Show "Here There and Everywhere with Jay Hare" from Jay Hare on Vimeo.

This is a promo reel for a new show called "Here There & Everywhere with Jay Hare". This is a preview of the 1st episode of "Filming of the Titanic from the bottom up" that features guest actor Terrence Baxter who was a first class passenger whose character survived this tragedy. it is a behind the scenes account of things that happened on the set told in a humorous and interesting way. The full show will be available soon.