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Big Brother 11: Week 6 Eviction Recap

Posted on 08/20/2009 by David in Big Brother

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By David McAlpine


Last time on Big Brother 11, Michele nominated Chima and Natalie for eviction, which seemed to be the straw the broke the camel’s back. Chima got angry and threw a fit, prompting the producers to remove Chima from the game. In an impromptu HoH competition, Jordan won the power for the remainder of the week, putting Lydia and Natalie up on the block.


After the nominations. Lydia can’t stop complaining about being on the block. I never really thought someone could get on my nerves like that, but she’s done it every time she uses the word “poopy.” Kevin even suggests using the veto on Natalie because he knows she’s a more reliable partner at this point in the game.


Then we start to enter the Twilight Zone when Lydia and Natalie start to talk about their hookups with Jessie and when and where they happened. I guess misery loves company? Kevin tries to tell them that Jessie was playing both of them, since this is a game, but they refuse to hear it.


However, the trio still tries to formulate a plan to save themselves now that Chima is gone. But the best they can come up with is an outright lie—about Russell targeting Jeff. Let’s see, that argument was, what, six weeks ago, and you think this is going to work now? Surprisingly enough, Jeff starts to believe it and it all of a sudden looks like Russell is in trouble.


But things get really awkward when Julie starts talking to the houseguests. Lydia claims that she better not ever run into Jessie again because he’ll be sorry about what he did to her in the house. On that note, Natalie, his main squeeze, gets a call from her dad—who sits and watches the show with her boyfriend. So Jessie has been hooking up with a psycho and a taken woman…wow. This love triangle just hit a new low.


Because we’ve had HoH and the nominations, all there’s left to do this week is the veto, which is live. It’s strangely similar to an HoH competition, where houseguests have to identify if an event happened before or after something in the house. Get it wrong and you’re out. Everyone is competing but Russell.


Natalie, Lydia and Jeff are all out early, quickly followed by Kevin. Jordan and Michele are left and end up going to the tiebreaker, which Jordan wins. Sweep for her! Obviously, she doesn’t use it, so the voting follows:


Russell: LYDIA

Michele: LYDIA


Kevin: NATALIE (You’d think he’d have more common sense than to keep the biggest target, especially when he knows they’re going home.)


Lydia exits with her head held high, but she proves hut how psycho she is in real person. She threatens to take Jessie down, she thought Natalie was really annoying and she wants Kevin to win—but the way she said it all was just very weird. I got a bad vibe.


Either way, the show must go on and the houseguests minus Jordan started their next HoH competition: stacking 24 aluminum cans in tubes, with the first one to finish winning HoH. But what??? To be continued? I thought we were done with this…


Tune in to Big Brother 11 on Sunday at 8/7c to see who wins the next HoH competition and who they choose to put on the nomination block.


(Images courtesy of CBS)


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