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Big Brother 11: Chima Out, New HoH in Power

Posted on 08/18/2009 by David in Big Brother

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Big Brother 11 Chima


by David McAlpine


Last time on Big Brother 11…well, not much happened. We met Dae Yum Yum, Lydia’s magic unicorn, Lydia and Chima tried to save themselves from being nominated by Michele, but Michele chose to nominate Natalie and Chima anyway.


Tonight, however, is the long-awaited night that Chima makes her grand exit. No one fully knows what happened (aside from a few spoilers leaked online via the folks at CBS), so I’m actually sitting on the edge of my seat, excited to see what happens.


As expected, Lydia, Natalie and Chima are pissed that Michele nominated two of them and they go off in a corner and pout about how unfair their life is. Meanwhile, everyone else is enjoying the house, knowing that one of those three is probably going home this week. Oh, if only they knew what they were in for.


Since this week’s Power of Veto competition was supposed to be skill-based, Big Brother provided the houseguests with something to practice on…and so the madness begins. Shortly after Big Brother delivers the practice set, Chima decides she doesn’t want to wear her microphone, despite Big Brother’s voice asking her to put it on. Enter Natalie and Lydia, who try to calm her down.


But first, we need to have a flashback and fill in some of the missing information from last week. It’s almost as if Allison Grodner is daring someone to like Chima as they show clip after clip of her ignoring Big Brother, then her threatening to ruin the live show by saying the “f” word in case “The Wizard” used the mysterious power.


And it seems as if Chima’s interest level in the game has dropped to a new low point. In a tantrum fit for a five year-old, she tosses her microphone in the hot tub, and yelling at Big Brother saying that she won’t put on a new one. The fit continues until Allison Grodner comes on over the speakers and asks Chima to step into the diary room, where she doesn’t come back out.


So just like that, Chima was expelled from the game, though, according to some reports, Chima still insists she quit herself. To be honest, it was almost a fitting exit for someone who drew so much drama and attention to herself.


A flustered Allison Grodner informs the houseguests that Chima has been expelled, which sets Natalie off on Michele. I mean, I could understand when she tried to defend Jessie because at least he had some common sense, but Chima? Even Lydia doesn’t back her up—maybe she’s starting to realize that the further she stays away from Natalie, the better it will be for her game.


Since Chima left, Michele is notified that her HoH reign is over and a new competition will be held shortly, so everyone shuffles out to the backyard. And, surprise, surprise, the HoH competition is just like the planned PoV competition for this week. Essentially, each contestant must hit their golf ball on the course and try and get closest to a target. Losing means you get a box, but you can either opt to keep your box or swap it with someone else, a la White Elephant.


Lydia is the first out and her box contains the HoH power, which she thinks everyone will let her have. Has Dae Yum Yum really screwed her up that much? Natalie is next out, securing a win for America’s team and earning her a Hawaiian vacation. At least, until Russell gets out next and picks a call from home, then swaps with Natalie. Kevin is out next and picks $5,000, which he keeps. Jeff then throws the competition for Jordan, and swaps his massage with Russell’s Hawaiian vacation. Jordan picks the last box (a red leotard and a cape) and swaps it with Lydia’s HoH key, making her the new Head of Household.


Chaos, however, never ceases to ensue. Natalie starts to meltdown next, calling out Jordan in front of everyone and calling her a puppet. It’s almost as if you can see Allison Grodner sweating bullets as she watches this all unfold, hoping she doesn’t have to expel another houseguest.


Lydia then decides to get smashed and get just as angry with Jordan, begging everyone to evict her. They all make it clear, though, that they want Natalie out, which makes sense because she’s stronger. Plus, if they keep Lydia around, she’ll have to wear the leotard and cape that much longer.


In a crazy editing fast forward, Jordan sees her HoH room and cries, starting to miss home, while Lydia has to suffer in silence in her leotard and cape, which looks super ridiculous on her. Jordan mulls over nominations, then decides on the obvious: Lydia and Natalie. The goal this week is clearly to evict Natalie, but could something happen at the last minute to flip the vote to Lydia, or possibly a post-veto nomination? I think with the volatility in the house, it’s a possibility.


Watch Big Brother 11 on Thursday at 8/7c to see who wins the Power of Veto, who is ultimately nominated and which houseguest will be evicted live!


(Image courtesy of CBS and RealPlayer)


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