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Exclusive Interview with Sandhurst Miggins of Bravo’s Make Me a Supermodel 2.

Posted on 03/04/2009 by RealityWanted in Make Me A SuperModel and Cast Interviews

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This is one of the coolest stories I have run across yet with a RealityWanted member, not that the other stories aren’t cool but the series of events are. Today Bravo set me up for an interview with Make Me a Supermodel 2 contestant Sandhurst Miggins, Make Me a Supermodel 2 premiers tonight on Bravo.

Sandhurst went from Make Me a Supermodel fan reading the interviews we did with last seasons contestants to Make Me a Supermodel cast member, read more below. http://www.realitywanted.com/tacamamiggins

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Sandhurst what’s up man how are you today?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: I am doing great, ready for tonight’s show and then off for a trip oversees.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Where are you located?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: Right now I am in Philadelphia, I used to live in Florida but originally from Trinidad.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: I read in an email that you’re about to take off for Spring Break, will you see tonight’s premier and where are you going?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: I will be here for tonight’s show and tomorrow I leave for a backpacking trip in London, Paris and Barcelona.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Sounds like you’re going to have a blast.  Talk to me about modeling, how did you get your start?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: About a year ago I went back to Trinidad and attended a fashion design show. While there, a designer tapped me on my shoulder and asked me if I was a model and I decided to say yes.  The next thing I knew I walked in her show.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: So you had a little modeling experience, tell us how you landed this gig on Make Me a Supermodel 2?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: One day I walked into New York Model Management to try and get represented and was politely told no. As I walked down the street a bus went by with a Make Me a Supermodel Season One banner on it so it peaked my interest to tune in.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Had the season started?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: Not yet, the banner just mentioned the show.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Then what happened?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: I started watching the show and one day Googled it and RealityWanted.com popped up. 

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Did you run across the casting call?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: Initially no, I started reading the interviews you did with the cast of season one and read about their experience and tips. Then I started to comeback each week waiting for the casting call for season two, once I saw it I applied.


Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: I bet you talked to the casting director Alicia?
A.  Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: I did, and after I got the courage to go to the open casting call we both saw one another and I knew this show was for me.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: What was casting like, I bet you had the same feeling everyone else does wondering if you will hear back?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: It was stressful from day one until the day I heard I landed a role.  During the process I kept telling myself, “just make it to the next step”.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: It’s been years since I applied to a show, but I remember looking at that phone waiting for it to ring.
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: The three week process was tough but this is life changing. There were so many times I thought I didn’t make it and wondered what I could have done differently.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Anxiety and stress but it paid off.
A.  Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: There was one point near the end they told me they would call me back at 10pm, 10pm rolled by and I never heard from anyone, so I took a walk outside assuming that was it. When I came back I received an email letting me know they got behind, but I was still in the process.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: What a crazy trip. So moving onto the show, what was it like to meet Tyson Beckford?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: When I met Tyson, I wasn’t in the star struck mode, I was thinking I am looking at living history. He is the guy who had made it and accomplished what I want to accomplish.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: You said this whole trip started from a bus poster, so who did you like on season one?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: I really liked Holly, I thought she had a great catwalk and strong photos. I also liked Ben’s progress and rooted him on.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Make Me a Supermodel 2 airs tonight, what teasers can you give us?
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: You’re going to see catwalks that range from normal to avant-garde. You will see things that are done once in a lifetime. The producers produced a season that will give viewers a taste of the entire industry.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: I am so excited for you and can’t wait until tonight. Thanks a million for talking with us. Since we will talk with you again when you’re eliminated, I hope we don’t talk to you for a very long time.
A.  Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: I had a blast doing the show and chatting with you. I am now headed in the direction I wanted to be in and going after my goal. I would like to tell everyone who uses RealityWanted to make sure you be yourself during auditions.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: I know it isn’t funny to say that, but it’s reality so be real.
A.  Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: I was actually told by some friends to go in and be a character, I went in as myself and I can’t stress to everyone how important this is when it comes to the audition.

Q. Mark, RealityWanted.com: Thanks again for your time and let’s stay in touch, your interview today may help someone land a role on season 3.
A. Sandhurst, Make Me a Supermodel 2: Thanks Mark and have a great day.

(Image Courtesy NBC)

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