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Tuesday votes in! God bless and good luck! Lawyer Mike
Hope your Tuesday is great! Your vote is in!
Happy Memorial Day! Please don't forget those who served to keep us safe! Holiday votes in! Lawyer Mike (U.S. Army-'88-'91;Disabled). God bless!
Special thoughts today for all those who have died protecting our Freedom! Your vote is in!
Monday's votes.
Friday's votes.
We are snowed in and so, what better time to swing by and give all my RW friends their votes! Stay safe, good luck and God Bless! Lawyer Mike
Tuesday's votes.
Sunday's votes are in.
Have a great weekend. Your votes for Saturday are in.
Friday's votes for you are in. Enjoy the day.
Thursday votes in! Good luck and God bless! Lawyer Mike
Checking in with you on this Thursday! Have a great one! Your vote is in!
Hope your Wednesday is perfect! Your vote is in!
Thanks for the add Sophia! Tuesday votes in! God bless and good luck! Lawyer Mike
Sending my best wishes to you on this Monday! Your vote is in!
Sunday's vote.