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Tomorrow night "The Island with Bear Grylls". NBC at 10PM EST. Tune in to see a great show!
Get ready for the new show on NBC called "The Island with Bear Grylls". Series starts on May 25 at 10 PM EST. You just might see me as one of the stars in in the series:)
Thursday blowing into your life, ready or not!
Wednesday is moving on by!
Tuesday is your lucky day!
Have a super Monday and a great week!
Sunday is here again!
Stopping by to say hi on this Saturday!
Have a great Thursday!
I hope this Wednesday finds you happy and smiling!
Tuesday has arrived!
Have a great Monday and a super week!
Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday!
Make your Saturday special!
Stopping by on Friday to wish you a great week weekend ahead!
Thursday is waiting for you out there, so go get it!
Have a great Wednesday!
Hope your Monday and week ahead will bring a smile to your face!
Just stopping by on this Sunday to wish you the best!
Hope your Saturday is special!