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Happy new years to all my friends old and new and may your dream casting happen in 2016 its about time LOL
crazy busy just finished my 2nd semester in college and coming up on deadline May31st still time to vote if you haven't already keeping fingers crossed
Another Monday to get past, but we shall give it our best!
Hey it's Sunday so enjoy the day!
Stopping by to wish you a special Thursday!
Enjoy this Tuesday and have a special day!
Have a great Sunday! Your vote is in!
Have a great Saturday! Your vote is in!
Have a great Friday and a super weekend! Your vote is in!
happy sunday
4 years ago today I received a new heart thanks to an organ donor
happy sunday 5914 organ donors signed closing in on 6000 hope to get there by July 16th my 4th heart transplant anniversary DONATE LIFE
manic monday
April National Donate Life Month think about saving a life when yours is over
happy monday
saturday party time
tgif weekends here
happy tuesday