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Changing my profile picture for 24 hours to honor my organ donors beautiful heart for Memorial Day thanks Mike for your service
April National Donate Life Month think about saving a life when yours is over
saturday party time
taking this monday to thank all my RW friends and share the good news Marlo Thomas has wriiten a book including my story and journey to heart transplant that will be released in the next few weeks more details soon thanks for your continued support
happy saturday
happy monday
monday snow on the way again whats new only 24" on the ground already
Merry Xmas to you and yours
satur partytime
It's saturday stop shopping
Election day go vote
monday ughhh
thursday here one more to go
someone sent me a message and asked why I always vote for my friends answer is They Are ur votes in
thank you all todays the day 3 years ago a new life with new friends like you votes in
satur votes still the holiday
today is my actual birthday but on the 16th is the 3rd anniversary of my new heart two bdays in July baby
tues votes in
satur party time ur votes first