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Merry Xmas to you and yours
BOO HOO! Didn't give you a BOO on Halloween, now catching up with votes, still working Texas and scheduled for California. LAST VEGAS is now showing go see it, I'm in it!
VTD sorry for being gone so long. I finished my PhD and my computer broke so had to get a new one. I am back and will vote everyday. I missed you all!
Tuesdays here ur votes in
tgif votes votes votes in
humpday votes in
Its sunday new week
someone sent me a message and asked why I always vote for my friends answer is They Are ur votes in
tgif votes in have a good one
thank you all todays the day 3 years ago a new life with new friends like you votes in
tues votes in
satur votes still the holiday
today is my birthday and the 16th is my heart transplant anniversary so now you know somebody with 2 bdays in July
Hi Dereck. The spring crush of work has finally subsided.I am returning to normal. Hope you have been well for the past couple weeks!
satur party time ur votes first
tgif votes in 4 u good luck
tgif votes in 4 u
thurs votes in one more to go