THERESA!!my friend!!long time ehh!!sorry was not been around but was recovering after a surgery!!now i'm back to the gym and well i'm back and ready to stay in touch..good to see you around!!your VOTES ARE IN!!Giovanni
I'm baaccckkk! LOL. Hope you're having a great New Year in 2017 and had a wonderful holiday season. You always know I come out of hibernation during a New Year and to get ready for my reality TV summer shows. How are you?? I hope all is well. I'm still living and working in Washington State but I really want to move to Portland, OR for some reason. Hope all is well. Ready for Big Brother 19 and all other things. haha. I'll try to get on here daily now.
P.S. I will vote for you as always! take care!
Shout out to all my RW friends just got back from NYC with the hard wear 2016 Eddie Award in single article or blog category WINNER thanks everyone for all your well wishes your votes in now glad you are back