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From small beginnings come great things. Have a special Tuesday !!! Your vote is in.
Monday is already gone glad I got the votes in..., before you know it it's weds. then Friday and then :):)
IM back. tues votes are in. had to get some rest from the weekend djing.. Now a other club wants me to broadcast live every fri night..
Thanks sooo much!!Voted 2!;
just voted for u :)
If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em. Have a great Monday! Your vote is in.
Sunday's votes are in. Thank for your support.
You can often measure a person by the size of their dreams. Have a super special Sunday!!! Your vote is in.
It's only half over, your vote (is)are in, have a great Sunday.
Oh thanks, Jacqueline!!! you got it!!! just did.
had a awsome night at my djing gig. back tonight by request...sat votes are in
When in doubt, tell the truth. Have a great Sat. Your vote is in!
Voted for you
voted , thanks 4 the add