Voted, Check me out I was on Americas Got Talent this July 2013, it was both execiting and scary, I almost forgot to sing.
I will be one of the bridesmaids on the show "Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta" this Friday the 28th at 9:00 PM on TLC network. The Bride and Groom's names are Meg and Jack. Not sure how much I'll will be seen, but tune in and we'll see! Jack is my boss and good friend. The Wedding took place in Florida. The show also repeats the same night at 11:00 PM.
Just got back from Romania where I was in three documentaries, attended a film festival and received a award for emerging international film actor working in Romania. I will be going back to film two features, Suicide and confessions in the near future:) Trying to catch up now. I hope all is well.Have a super night my friend:)
Hey - checking in, voting and getting ready to hit the woods for about 2 months - Check me out on July 13th on the Chiller channel's "How to Survive a Horror Movie Movie" as their survival expert.
I lived through the sixties, seventies, eighties & nineties. Finally, I’m living in the noughties! WhooHoo! Thanx for voting for me - I look forward to reciprocating!