
Female, 27, Long Island NY


Displaying 9 comments
Raymond said:

Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.

Posted 03/16/2010 10:32 pm

Raymond said:

Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.

Posted 02/18/2010 08:00 pm

Martin said:

*VOTED*--Hello and GOOD MORNING, I alway's like to START and END the Day with some Words of Wisdom, Heres a Motivational Quote by; Denis Waitley,“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, learn about them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will”..Have a Magnificent Day! Keep in Touch.. And Forever Always Wishing you the Best of Luck! *MARTIN.D*

Posted 01/28/2010 06:22 am

David said:

ayy send back the love girl sent some to you =]

Posted 01/26/2010 06:46 pm

Martin said:

"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well"... Thanks so Much for the Vote..Have a Awesome Day! *Martin*

Posted 01/26/2010 05:51 pm



Posted 01/26/2010 11:41 am

Martin said:

"When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all up hill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about, When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow--You may succeed with another blow, Success is failure turned inside out--The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--It's when things seem worst that you must not quit"...*VOTED* Have a Great Day

Posted 01/26/2010 03:21 am

Raymond said:


Posted 01/25/2010 10:09 pm

chris said:


Posted 01/24/2010 08:50 pm

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