Thanks for your support on RealityWanted. I'm excited that my 30th birthday is tomorrow and NCAA Tournament March Madness games are here. We have already seen the madness with #2 Duke (lost to Lehigh) and #2 Mizzou (lost to Norfolk State)going down.
Sunday votes are here and I hope you are having a good MLK weekend. Remember MLK's dream is about people fulfilling their purpose and trying to make their community and our world a better place for all. We all are important no matter what people say and just need to do our little part because we have something to great and positive to add. Laters!
voting again been through some tough times but will get back on track all the best. ps could you say a little prayer for our family we need aplace to live and my husband needs employed Thanx:)
**** My profile pic is of my sister and I!! OUR SHOW AIRS TOMMORROW ON THE STYLE NETWORK!!! CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS FOR "WHOSE WEDDING IS IT ANYWAY?"!!! Voted for ya!!! Enjoy!!!