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let's get some shows in!
don't forget to vote 4 me! :)
I voted, your votes have increased. Later!
I'm back from a exhausting weekend to cast my votes like i promised. ****vtd****
**vtd** I wont be on for the weekend because I'll be spending my time on South Beach but as soon as i return my votes will continue. PEACE
thursday votes are in for you
your votes are in for wed
**VTD 4 YA**
I rocked it :] c ya 2maro.
**vtd** :] check on ya 2maro.
**vtd** :]
118 was on me boo :]
Everyday U Vote 4 me - I'll vote 4 U!
Showing you some love with some votes! Rock on!
My votes have been submitted, see ya later.
My Vote Is In :]