midnight_middy is a <strong>Fan</strong>


Female, 28, lewiston ME

About Me

Acting/Talent Experience:
no experince on television love the spotlight though
Am I affiliated with unions?:
A major event in my life was:
wel... first when i was 1 my sisters and brothers died in a fire and in which i had got 3rd degree burns on my back which still affects me today and my mother died in a car accident 4 years ago and has affected not only me but everyone around me and everday i hope what im doing is making her happy i live to make her proud and then i just had my daughter 7 months ago and that has to be the 1 thing that has affected my life greater than the rest im very thankfull for god bringing her into my life
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
my greatest accomplishment as of right now is becoming a mother and being the best i can be
An embarrassing story about me was:
the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me (and still happens to this day) would have to be when i go shopping with my father and he always has his buttcrack hanging like 4 inchs out and there always has to be that old woman standing behind him when were in the checkout lane and he bends down to get things out of the cart its horrifying....:(
My favorite Movie:
pretty woman
My favorite TV Show:
My best Physical Trait is:
my smile
Topics off limit to me at a party are:
my flaws or setbacks
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
peircings: toung, ears, cartalidge and one tattoo a friend did for me while highley intoxicated :)
The weirdest thing about me is:
i find everthing funny but my laugh is so funny so its great lol
My friends would say my best qualities are:
outgoing funny independent smart and outspoken VERY outspoken
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
i dont alays meke the right decision and just live without thinking
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
The personality traits I like least about myself are:
kind of a pushover at times