Acting/Talent Experience:
1. “A Darling’s Call”- Catherine, the ambitious, innocent-seeming murderer
2. “American Freak”- Groupie who tries to get the lead band member to sleep with her
3. “Soot” by Zohdi- Laughing Nun, a laughing nun on a farm holding a rabbit
4. “This Little Light”- a background church-goer
5. “Audition”- auditioner
6. “The Other Night”- college party goer
7. Social Media modeling
Am I affiliated with unions?:
A major event in my life was:
In June 2018, my boyfriend was fired from his job after I was fired from mine. I was very emotional due to the stressful circumstances and a build-up of tension from an ongoing series of unfortunate events. That very night as we tried to sleep in my car, my boyfriend asked me to marry him... and I said yes but cried myself to sleep. I learned that day how my life could play out if I don’t stand up for my desires. I am now single and working on my success!
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
I volunteered for a project at work and had no idea what I was signing up for! All I did was drive a forklift for a living, until this project required me to analyze data, extrapolate barriers, form experiments and report my results in front of the associate team and operations management every day! The senior ops manager liked what I was doing and invited me to apply for a promotion! I did not get the job, but because of the experience I know now that I am a leader!
An embarrassing story about me was:
At one point in my life, I thought I wanted to make a career as a can girl. I disguised myself with a wig, colored contacts, and fake freckles and aggressively promoted myself on social media. Needless to say the contacts on my phone and facebook showed up as suggested users on Instagram. Despite my best efforts to block myself locally, turn off contact syncing and be clandestine, a family member discovered me!
My favorite Movie:
Mean Girls
My favorite TV Show:
Are You The One?
My best Physical Trait is:
My smile!
Topics off limit to me at a party are:
Politics and religion, unless you share the same religious viewpoints as I do. In fact, I’d rather someone tell me about why I should agree with his/her political views than their religious views, cheerfully!
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
My ears are double pierced.
The weirdest thing about me is:
My spirituality is off the wall. I practice witchcraft and Wicca. My favorite form of withcraft is scrying, and my favorite Wiccan sabbat is Samhain! I also practice yoga and *dream* yoga, in which you engage in mental consciousness that travels into your subconscious mind and keeps you aware throughout your sleep cycle. The practice is supposed to prepare you for death, to become proactive in transitioning your soul out of the body and into a new one or the afterlife of your choice!
My friends would say my best qualities are:
My friends say I am very pleasant because I can get along with anybody and keep the peace during a disagreement. They often also tell me I am intelligent, but I genuinely deny this each time.
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
Not a day passes without my friends saying, “you worry too much!”. I over analyze things, but that also makes me slow and even ditsy at frequent times!
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
I love that when I want something I know exactly how to get it and will not stop until I get what I want. I am creative at coming up with solutions and my friends and romantic partners really appreciate this as well, because I am passionate and there is never a dull moment with me, even when I am trying to be as chill as possible.
The personality traits I like least about myself are:
My “blonde moments” are annoying because sometimes I think I have a real disability. I have minimal short term memory at times, and can be in the middle of expressing my opinion and completely lose the train of thought and even my attitude about whatever the subject was. My critical thinking skills need improvement and if someone tells me a joke it usually goes straight over my head!
Miscellaneous Information:
My social media handles:
* Instagram: @mirandastoryjoy
* Snapchat: @xostoryjoy