cdenicola12 is a <strong>VIP </strong> member.<br/><br/>For as little as 13 cents per day you too can apply to casting calls before anyone else and come up in casting director search results first.



About Me

Acting/Talent Experience:
Short Student films and was in a couple of bands
Am I affiliated with unions?:
A major event in my life was:
The death of my parents, it made me want to live my life to the fullest for them and try different things.
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
My son is my greatest accomplishment
An embarrassing story about me was:
When my fiancee and I first started dating, on my birthday we got into an argument because I wouldn't leave the bar we were at to go home. Once we got home, I passed out and ended up peeing the bed with him in it. That has never in my life happened and I was so embarrassed, he is a great man cause he cleaned me up and the bed. He also stayed with me.
My favorite Movie:
The Crow
My favorite TV Show:
This is not happening
My best Physical Trait is:
My eyes and smile
Topics off limit to me at a party are:
Religion and Politics, no one respects anyone opinion anymore I believe
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
I have my ears and noses pierced. I have a 12 tattoos, i have a half sleeve of betty boop, i have adjust lotus flowers on my shoudlers, I have a Jason Voohee tattoo on my right chest, I have a phase on my rib cage, the deathly hallows symbol on my right wrist, my sons name on my left wrist, 2 names on my wrist that are getting covered with sea shells, 30 seconds to mars band logo on my bank shoulder, butterflies holding a banner on my back, and my zodiac sign on my foot.
The weirdest thing about me is:
I sleep walk eat
My friends would say my best qualities are:
That I am generous when it comes to helping people and how i watch out for people
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
I am stubborn
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
My giving nature, sense of humor, patients, and how i will always try anything once
The personality traits I like least about myself are:
Procrastinator, stubborn, and I can get hot headed when angry