Am I affiliated with unions?:
A major event in my life was:
My family owned Funtown Amusement Pier in Seaside Heights, NJ. In 2012 New Jersey was hit with Hurricane Sandy completely destroying our pier and our summer home! This was extremely devastating as all of my childhood memories were washed away with that storm!
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
The accomplishment I am most proud of is hearing a song I produced on the radio, at just about every major nightclub in New Jersey and New York and Accumulating almost 100 million views on Youtube.
An embarrassing story about me was:
The most embarrassing story about me is one time I hatched an idea to break into my grandfathers Gigantic summer home in Seaside Park NJ and stay the night with my friends! At 15, we took a taxi to the house, popped open a window and made ourselves at home! We found about 20 girls on the boardwalk and brought them back! I was bragging about how the house was mine and I was this rich and famous dj and had them all convinced! Long story short after all the bragging grandpa showed up and ruined it!
My favorite Movie:
Dumb & Dumber
My favorite TV Show:
My best Physical Trait is:
Baby Blue Eyes
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
I have roman numerals tattooed on my chest and planning to get a sleeve done!
The weirdest thing about me is:
I would say the weirdest thing about me is that I love chick songs and movies! Some of my favorite songs are No Scrubs, Genie In a Bottle, Mesmerize and pretty much anything else a middle aged women would like! I lose my shit like a basic white girl when I hear these songs! I had a single mother growing up so I lived on Lifetime Movie Network! Still watch it to this day!
My friends would say my best qualities are:
My friends would probably tell you that their favorite qualities are that I am the best wingman on the East Coast! I am also a great time, but aside from all that I am a very generous and giving person and go out of my way for my friends and family!
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
My friends would probably say that my worst qualities are that I am often the one who gets too drunk or thrown out of the club or bar! If the night is cut short because of drinking or disorderly behavior its probably my fault!
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
My favorite personality traits about myself are that I am a complete stud! I have no trouble taking to women and being a huge player! On top of being a stud I have a great sense of humor and I am always the life of the party!!!!
The personality traits I like least about myself are:
The personality trait I hate the most about myself is I, sometimes, find myself being a bit lazy and procrastinating!