Summerbodybyt is a <strong>Pro </strong> member.<br/><br/>For as little as 13 cents per day you too can apply to casting calls before anyone else and come up in casting director search results first.

Terrence Michael

Male, 30, Pembroke Pines FL

About Me

Acting/Talent Experience:
Very funny guy. Some call me a comedian or an entertainer, the life of the party. However, I'm just being me! I like to have fun! Yolo. We should be mad that today isn't what we hope. Just look forward to tomorrow for what we can make it be!... Try try harder and do it again! You can always do more than you think you can do" - J.Wooden
Am I affiliated with unions?:
A major event in my life was:
My mom calling me in NY right after our cousin died saying that she was next and it wouldn't be long. I dropped everything and moved back down to FL and stayed by her side for 10 months before she died.
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
Living up to the promise I made to my mother on her deathbed that I would try harder to have a better life by helping others and myself too. Not giving up or giving in to the pressures to be just mediocre.
An embarrassing story about me was:
Working out in Strong by Zumba I had a wardrobe malfunction. My pants busted open while doing one of the dances.
My best Physical Trait is:
My Smile and Face and long fingers!
Topics off limit to me at a party are:
Quitting or negative things spoken about Summerbody. Summerbody is about LIFE in remembrance of my Mom. It's about being better. You can't do anything in life if you give up. I set out to change my life and that's what I'm doing. I've lost 160 pounds by working out and eating whats right all while helping others.
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
The weirdest thing about me is:
I can be very ditzy at times! It goes with my personality well. I can be too blunt and turn people off.
My friends would say my best qualities are:
I am driven, motivated, inspired by all my adversities, dedicated, determined not to let no one, not even myself get in the way of the future I see for myself to be better in remembrance of my mother!
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
It's my way or no way. I talk a lot/too much. I have a big heart. I can be overwhelming at times because I'm a bit loud... They kind of suck and friends who have said or felt such things and ways. Many of them aren't friends anymore. I don't keep negative people in my life. Only people who encourage and inspire others to do something in/with their lives to be better!
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
Ambitious, Brave, Kind, Caring, Giving, Loving, Cheerful, Accountable, authentic, genuine, big heart
The personality traits I like least about myself are:
After losing 160 pounds I still have boobs (titties) and loose skin. I don't feel like I lost the weight and I still see the same person in the mirror.
Miscellaneous Information: