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Female, 38, Atlanta GA

About Me

Acting/Talent Experience:
I was a Theatre Major in High school, have been on the "Tyra Banks Show", "The Chopping Block" and " Montel Williams". I am also a freelance makeup artist. I am fascinated by all the different facets of the film industry.
Am I affiliated with unions?:
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
My biggest accomplishment thus far was moving away from everything/everyone I know and starting over all while raising my son on my own. I moved from NY to Atl without a car/job/own place and limited savings. Now 7 years later I am still here with my own place, car and am employed. This experience hasn't been easy but definitely has been a good learning experience.
My favorite Movie:
A Christmas story
My best Physical Trait is:
My eyes
My friends would say my best qualities are:
I give the best advice, I'm funny, outspoken, honest, loyal and reliable.
My friends would say my worst qualities are:
Too honest
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
My intuition, my ability to make a joke at the toughest times
The personality traits I like least about myself are: