rayray2222 is a <strong>Pro </strong> member.<br/><br/>For as little as 13 cents per day you too can apply to casting calls before anyone else and come up in casting director search results first.


Female, 30, Pueblo CO

About Me

Acting/Talent Experience:
Took a Drama Class in high school.
Am I affiliated with unions?:
The accomplishment I am most proud of:
My Family of almost 13 years!
An embarrassing story about me was:
The time I proposed to my husband on Television, and I asked him to be my Wife!
My favorite Movie:
Dumb and Dumber
Do I have tattoos or piercings:
A medium size tattoo of a flower on my right ankle that looks like a lily and an orchid. Both ears are pierced once.
The weirdest thing about me is:
I snort.
My friends would say my best qualities are:
Good at listening and giving advise. I can keep a straight face when I am joking.
The personality traits I most like about myself are:
Fun, outgoing, funny, goofy, serious